▼ ndnSIM | |
▼ apps | |
ndn-app.cpp | |
ndn-app.hpp | |
ndn-consumer-batches.cpp | |
ndn-consumer-batches.hpp | |
ndn-consumer-cbr.cpp | |
ndn-consumer-cbr.hpp | |
ndn-consumer-window.cpp | |
ndn-consumer-window.hpp | |
ndn-consumer-zipf-mandelbrot.cpp | |
ndn-consumer-zipf-mandelbrot.hpp | |
ndn-consumer.cpp | |
ndn-consumer.hpp | |
ndn-producer.cpp | |
ndn-producer.hpp | |
▼ docs | |
doxygen.hpp | |
introspected-doxygen.hpp | |
▼ helper | |
boost-graph-ndn-global-routing-helper.hpp | |
ndn-app-helper.cpp | |
ndn-app-helper.hpp | |
ndn-face-container.cpp | |
ndn-face-container.hpp | |
ndn-fib-helper.cpp | |
ndn-fib-helper.hpp | |
ndn-global-routing-helper.cpp | |
ndn-global-routing-helper.hpp | |
ndn-link-control-helper.cpp | |
ndn-link-control-helper.hpp | |
ndn-network-region-table-helper.cpp | |
ndn-network-region-table-helper.hpp | |
ndn-scenario-helper.cpp | |
ndn-scenario-helper.hpp | |
ndn-stack-helper.cpp | |
ndn-stack-helper.hpp | |
ndn-strategy-choice-helper.cpp | |
ndn-strategy-choice-helper.hpp | |
▼ model | |
► cs | |
► custom-policies | |
freshness-policy.hpp | |
lifetime-stats-policy.hpp | |
probability-policy.hpp | |
content-store-impl.cpp | |
content-store-impl.hpp | |
content-store-nocache.cpp | |
content-store-nocache.hpp | |
content-store-with-freshness.cpp | |
content-store-with-freshness.hpp | |
content-store-with-probability.cpp | |
content-store-with-probability.hpp | |
content-store-with-stats.cpp | |
content-store-with-stats.hpp | |
ndn-content-store.cpp | |
ndn-content-store.hpp | |
ndn-app-link-service.cpp | |
ndn-app-link-service.hpp | |
ndn-block-header.cpp | |
ndn-block-header.hpp | |
ndn-common.cpp | |
ndn-common.hpp | |
ndn-global-router.cpp | |
ndn-global-router.hpp | |
ndn-l3-protocol.cpp | |
ndn-l3-protocol.hpp | |
ndn-net-device-transport.cpp | |
ndn-net-device-transport.hpp | |
null-transport.hpp | |
▼ ndn-cxx | |
► src | |
► detail | |
container-with-on-empty-signal.hpp | |
face-impl.hpp | |
interest-filter-record.hpp | |
pending-interest.hpp | |
registered-prefix.hpp | |
► encoding | |
► cryptopp | |
asn_ext.cpp | |
asn_ext.hpp | |
block-helpers.cpp | |
block-helpers.hpp | |
block.cpp | |
block.hpp | |
buffer-stream.cpp | |
buffer-stream.hpp | |
buffer.cpp | |
buffer.hpp | |
encoder.cpp | |
encoder.hpp | |
encoding-buffer-fwd.hpp | |
encoding-buffer.hpp | |
endian.hpp | |
estimator.cpp | |
estimator.hpp | |
nfd-constants.cpp | |
nfd-constants.hpp | |
oid.cpp | |
oid.hpp | |
tlv-nfd.hpp | |
tlv-security.hpp | |
tlv.hpp | |
► lp | |
► detail | |
field-decl.hpp | |
field-info.cpp | |
field-info.hpp | |
cache-policy.cpp | |
cache-policy.hpp | |
field.hpp | |
fields.hpp | |
nack-header.cpp | |
nack-header.hpp | |
nack.cpp | |
nack.hpp | |
packet.cpp | |
packet.hpp | |
sequence.hpp | |
tags.hpp | |
tlv.hpp | |
► management | |
nfd-channel-status.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-command-options.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-control-command.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-control-parameters.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-control-response.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-controller.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-face-event-notification.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-face-monitor.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-face-query-filter.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-face-status.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-face-traits.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-fib-entry.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-forwarder-status.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-rib-entry.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-rib-flags.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-status-dataset.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
nfd-strategy-choice.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
► mgmt | |
► nfd | |
channel-status.cpp | |
channel-status.hpp | |
command-options.cpp | |
command-options.hpp | |
control-command.cpp | |
control-command.hpp | |
control-parameters.cpp | |
control-parameters.hpp | |
control-response.hpp | |
controller.cpp | |
controller.hpp | |
face-event-notification.cpp | |
face-event-notification.hpp | |
face-monitor.hpp | |
face-query-filter.cpp | |
face-query-filter.hpp | |
face-status.cpp | |
face-status.hpp | |
face-traits.hpp | |
fib-entry.cpp | |
fib-entry.hpp | |
forwarder-status.cpp | |
forwarder-status.hpp | |
rib-entry.cpp | |
rib-entry.hpp | |
rib-flags.hpp | |
status-dataset.cpp | |
status-dataset.hpp | |
strategy-choice.cpp | |
strategy-choice.hpp | |
control-parameters.hpp | |
control-response.cpp | |
control-response.hpp | |
dispatcher.cpp | |
dispatcher.hpp | |
status-dataset-context.cpp | |
status-dataset-context.hpp | |
► security | |
► conf | |
checker.hpp | |
common.hpp | |
filter.hpp | |
key-locator-checker.hpp | |
rule.hpp | |
► detail | |
openssl-helper.cpp | |
openssl-helper.hpp | |
openssl.hpp | |
► transform | |
base64-decode.cpp | |
base64-decode.hpp | |
base64-encode.cpp | |
base64-encode.hpp | |
block-cipher.cpp | |
block-cipher.hpp | |
bool-sink.cpp | |
bool-sink.hpp | |
buffer-source.cpp | |
buffer-source.hpp | |
digest-filter.cpp | |
digest-filter.hpp | |
hex-decode.cpp | |
hex-decode.hpp | |
hex-encode.cpp | |
hex-encode.hpp | |
hmac-filter.cpp | |
hmac-filter.hpp | |
private-key.cpp | |
private-key.hpp | |
public-key.cpp | |
public-key.hpp | |
signer-filter.cpp | |
signer-filter.hpp | |
step-source.cpp | |
step-source.hpp | |
stream-sink.cpp | |
stream-sink.hpp | |
stream-source.cpp | |
stream-source.hpp | |
strip-space.cpp | |
strip-space.hpp | |
transform-base.cpp | |
transform-base.hpp | There are three types of module in a transformation chain: Source, Transform, and Sink |
verifier-filter.cpp | |
verifier-filter.hpp | |
► v1 | |
certificate-extension.cpp | |
certificate-extension.hpp | |
certificate-subject-description.cpp | |
certificate-subject-description.hpp | |
certificate.cpp | |
certificate.hpp | |
cryptopp.hpp | |
identity-certificate.cpp | |
identity-certificate.hpp | |
public-key.cpp | |
public-key.hpp | |
► v2 | |
additional-description.cpp | |
additional-description.hpp | |
certificate-cache-ttl.cpp | |
certificate-cache-ttl.hpp | |
certificate-cache.hpp | |
certificate-container.cpp | |
certificate-container.hpp | |
command-interest-validator.cpp | |
command-interest-validator.hpp | |
cryptopp.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
digest-sha256.cpp | |
digest-sha256.hpp | |
identity-certificate.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
identity-container.cpp | |
identity-container.hpp | |
identity.cpp | |
identity.hpp | |
key-chain.cpp | |
key-chain.hpp | |
key-container.cpp | |
key-container.hpp | |
key-params.cpp | |
key-params.hpp | |
key.cpp | |
key.hpp | |
pib-impl.hpp | |
pib-memory.cpp | |
pib-memory.hpp | |
pib-sqlite3.cpp | |
pib-sqlite3.hpp | |
pib.cpp | |
pib.hpp | |
public-key.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
safe-bag.cpp | |
safe-bag.hpp | |
sec-public-info-sqlite3.cpp | |
sec-public-info-sqlite3.hpp | |
sec-public-info.cpp | |
sec-public-info.hpp | |
sec-rule-relative.cpp | |
sec-rule-relative.hpp | |
sec-rule-specific.cpp | |
sec-rule-specific.hpp | |
sec-rule.hpp | |
sec-tpm-file.cpp | |
sec-tpm-file.hpp | |
sec-tpm-osx.cpp | |
sec-tpm-osx.hpp | |
sec-tpm.cpp | |
sec-tpm.hpp | |
secured-bag.cpp | |
secured-bag.hpp | |
security-common.cpp | |
security-common.hpp | |
signature-sha256-with-ecdsa.cpp | |
signature-sha256-with-ecdsa.hpp | |
signature-sha256-with-rsa.cpp | |
signature-sha256-with-rsa.hpp | |
signing-helpers.cpp | |
signing-helpers.hpp | |
signing-info.cpp | |
signing-info.hpp | |
transform.hpp | |
validation-request.hpp | |
validator-config.cpp | |
validator-config.hpp | |
validator-null.hpp | |
validator-regex.cpp | |
validator-regex.hpp | |
validator.cpp | |
validator.hpp | |
validity-period.cpp | |
validity-period.hpp | |
► transport | |
stream-transport-impl.hpp | |
stream-transport-with-resolver-impl.hpp | |
tcp-transport.cpp | |
tcp-transport.hpp | |
transport.cpp | |
transport.hpp | |
unix-transport.cpp | |
unix-transport.hpp | |
► util | |
► detail | |
network-monitor-impl-osx.cpp | |
network-monitor-impl-osx.hpp | |
network-monitor-impl-rtnl.cpp | |
network-monitor-impl-rtnl.hpp | |
► regex | |
regex-backref-manager.hpp | |
regex-backref-matcher.hpp | |
regex-component-matcher.hpp | |
regex-component-set-matcher.hpp | |
regex-matcher.hpp | |
regex-pattern-list-matcher.hpp | |
regex-pseudo-matcher.hpp | |
regex-repeat-matcher.hpp | |
regex-top-matcher.cpp | |
regex-top-matcher.hpp | |
backports-optional.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
backports.hpp | |
concepts.hpp | |
config-file.cpp | |
config-file.hpp | |
crypto.cpp | |
crypto.hpp | |
digest.cpp | |
digest.hpp | |
dns.cpp | |
dns.hpp | |
dummy-client-face.cpp | |
dummy-client-face.hpp | |
ethernet.cpp | |
ethernet.hpp | |
face-uri.cpp | |
face-uri.hpp | |
in-memory-storage-entry.cpp | |
in-memory-storage-entry.hpp | |
in-memory-storage-fifo.cpp | |
in-memory-storage-fifo.hpp | |
in-memory-storage-lfu.cpp | |
in-memory-storage-lfu.hpp | |
in-memory-storage-lru.cpp | |
in-memory-storage-lru.hpp | |
in-memory-storage-persistent.cpp | |
in-memory-storage-persistent.hpp | |
in-memory-storage.cpp | |
in-memory-storage.hpp | |
indented-stream.cpp | |
indented-stream.hpp | |
io.cpp | |
io.hpp | |
logger.cpp | |
logger.hpp | |
monotonic_deadline_timer.hpp | |
network-monitor.cpp | |
network-monitor.hpp | |
notification-stream.hpp | |
notification-subscriber.hpp | |
random.cpp | |
random.hpp | |
regex.hpp | |
scheduler-scoped-event-id.cpp | |
scheduler-scoped-event-id.hpp | |
scheduler.cpp | |
scheduler.hpp | |
segment-fetcher.cpp | |
segment-fetcher.hpp | |
signal-connection.cpp | |
signal-connection.hpp | |
signal-emit.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Regents of the University of California |
signal-scoped-connection.cpp | |
signal-scoped-connection.hpp | |
signal-signal.hpp | |
signal.hpp | |
sqlite3-statement.cpp | |
sqlite3-statement.hpp | |
string-helper.cpp | |
string-helper.hpp | |
time-custom-clock.hpp | |
time-unit-test-clock.cpp | |
time-unit-test-clock.hpp | |
time.cpp | |
time.hpp | |
common-pch.hpp | |
common.hpp | Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California |
data.cpp | |
data.hpp | |
exclude.cpp | |
exclude.hpp | |
face.cpp | |
face.hpp | |
interest-filter.cpp | |
interest-filter.hpp | |
interest.cpp | |
interest.hpp | |
key-locator.cpp | |
key-locator.hpp | |
link.cpp | |
link.hpp | |
meta-info.cpp | |
meta-info.hpp | |
name-component.cpp | |
name-component.hpp | |
name.cpp | |
name.hpp | |
selectors.cpp | |
selectors.hpp | |
signature-info.cpp | |
signature-info.hpp | |
signature.cpp | |
signature.hpp | |
tag-host.hpp | |
tag.hpp | |
▼ NFD | |
► core | |
algorithm.hpp | |
city-hash.cpp | |
city-hash.hpp | |
common.hpp | |
config-file.cpp | |
config-file.hpp | |
counter.hpp | |
extended-error-message.hpp | |
global-io.cpp | |
global-io.hpp | |
logger.hpp | |
manager-base.cpp | |
manager-base.hpp | |
network-interface-predicate.cpp | |
network-interface-predicate.hpp | |
network-interface.cpp | |
network-interface.hpp | |
network.cpp | |
network.hpp | |
privilege-helper.cpp | |
privilege-helper.hpp | |
random.cpp | |
random.hpp | |
scheduler.cpp | |
scheduler.hpp | |
► daemon | |
► face | |
channel.cpp | |
channel.hpp | |
datagram-transport.hpp | |
ethernet-factory.cpp | |
ethernet-factory.hpp | |
ethernet-transport.cpp | |
ethernet-transport.hpp | |
face-counters.cpp | |
face-counters.hpp | |
face-log.hpp | |
face.cpp | |
face.hpp | |
generic-link-service.cpp | |
generic-link-service.hpp | |
internal-face.cpp | |
internal-face.hpp | |
internal-transport.cpp | |
internal-transport.hpp | |
link-service.cpp | |
link-service.hpp | |
lp-fragmenter.cpp | |
lp-fragmenter.hpp | |
lp-reassembler.cpp | |
lp-reassembler.hpp | |
multicast-udp-transport.cpp | |
multicast-udp-transport.hpp | |
null-face.cpp | |
null-face.hpp | |
protocol-factory.hpp | |
stream-transport.hpp | |
tcp-channel.cpp | |
tcp-channel.hpp | |
tcp-factory.cpp | |
tcp-factory.hpp | |
tcp-transport.cpp | |
tcp-transport.hpp | |
transport.cpp | |
transport.hpp | |
udp-channel.cpp | |
udp-channel.hpp | |
udp-factory.cpp | |
udp-factory.hpp | |
udp-protocol.cpp | |
udp-protocol.hpp | |
unicast-udp-transport.cpp | |
unicast-udp-transport.hpp | |
unix-stream-channel.cpp | |
unix-stream-channel.hpp | |
unix-stream-factory.cpp | |
unix-stream-factory.hpp | |
unix-stream-transport.cpp | |
unix-stream-transport.hpp | |
websocket-channel.cpp | |
websocket-channel.hpp | |
websocket-factory.cpp | |
websocket-factory.hpp | |
websocket-transport.cpp | |
websocket-transport.hpp | |
websocketpp.hpp | |
► fw | |
access-strategy.cpp | |
access-strategy.hpp | |
algorithm.cpp | |
algorithm.hpp | Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Regents of the University of California, Arizona Board of Regents, Colorado State University, University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University, Washington University in St |
asf-measurements.cpp | |
asf-measurements.hpp | |
asf-probing-module.cpp | |
asf-probing-module.hpp | |
asf-strategy.cpp | |
asf-strategy.hpp | |
best-route-strategy.cpp | |
best-route-strategy.hpp | |
best-route-strategy2.cpp | |
best-route-strategy2.hpp | |
client-control-strategy.cpp | |
client-control-strategy.hpp | |
face-table.cpp | |
face-table.hpp | |
forwarder-counters.hpp | |
forwarder.cpp | |
forwarder.hpp | |
multicast-strategy.cpp | |
multicast-strategy.hpp | |
ncc-strategy.cpp | |
ncc-strategy.hpp | |
retx-suppression-exponential.cpp | |
retx-suppression-exponential.hpp | |
retx-suppression-fixed.cpp | |
retx-suppression-fixed.hpp | |
retx-suppression.cpp | |
retx-suppression.hpp | |
rtt-estimator.cpp | |
rtt-estimator.hpp | |
strategy-info.hpp | |
strategy-registry.cpp | |
strategy-registry.hpp | |
strategy.cpp | |
strategy.hpp | |
unsolicited-data-policy.cpp | |
unsolicited-data-policy.hpp | |
► mgmt | |
command-authenticator.cpp | |
command-authenticator.hpp | |
face-manager.cpp | |
face-manager.hpp | |
fib-manager.cpp | |
fib-manager.hpp | |
forwarder-status-manager.cpp | |
forwarder-status-manager.hpp | |
general-config-section.cpp | |
general-config-section.hpp | |
nfd-manager-base.cpp | |
nfd-manager-base.hpp | |
strategy-choice-manager.cpp | |
strategy-choice-manager.hpp | |
tables-config-section.cpp | |
tables-config-section.hpp | |
► table | |
cleanup.cpp | |
cleanup.hpp | |
cs-entry-impl.cpp | |
cs-entry-impl.hpp | |
cs-entry.cpp | |
cs-entry.hpp | |
cs-internal.hpp | Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Regents of the University of California, Arizona Board of Regents, Colorado State University, University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University, Washington University in St |
cs-policy-lru.cpp | |
cs-policy-lru.hpp | |
cs-policy-priority-fifo.cpp | |
cs-policy-priority-fifo.hpp | |
cs-policy.cpp | |
cs-policy.hpp | |
cs.cpp | |
cs.hpp | Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Regents of the University of California, Arizona Board of Regents, Colorado State University, University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University, Washington University in St |
dead-nonce-list.cpp | |
dead-nonce-list.hpp | |
fib-entry.cpp | |
fib-entry.hpp | |
fib-nexthop.cpp | |
fib-nexthop.hpp | |
fib.cpp | |
fib.hpp | |
measurements-accessor.cpp | |
measurements-accessor.hpp | |
measurements-entry.cpp | |
measurements-entry.hpp | |
measurements.cpp | |
measurements.hpp | |
name-tree-entry.cpp | |
name-tree-entry.hpp | |
name-tree-hashtable.cpp | |
name-tree-hashtable.hpp | |
name-tree-iterator.cpp | |
name-tree-iterator.hpp | |
name-tree.cpp | |
name-tree.hpp | |
network-region-table.cpp | |
network-region-table.hpp | |
pit-entry.cpp | |
pit-entry.hpp | |
pit-face-record.cpp | |
pit-face-record.hpp | |
pit-in-record.cpp | |
pit-in-record.hpp | |
pit-iterator.cpp | |
pit-iterator.hpp | |
pit-out-record.cpp | |
pit-out-record.hpp | |
pit.cpp | |
pit.hpp | |
strategy-choice-entry.cpp | |
strategy-choice-entry.hpp | |
strategy-choice.cpp | |
strategy-choice.hpp | |
strategy-info-host.cpp | |
strategy-info-host.hpp | |
main.cpp | |
nfd.cpp | |
nfd.hpp | |
► rib | |
auto-prefix-propagator.cpp | |
auto-prefix-propagator.hpp | |
fib-update.cpp | |
fib-update.hpp | |
fib-updater.cpp | |
fib-updater.hpp | |
propagated-entry.cpp | |
propagated-entry.hpp | |
rib-entry.cpp | |
rib-entry.hpp | |
rib-manager.cpp | |
rib-manager.hpp | |
rib-update-batch.cpp | |
rib-update-batch.hpp | |
rib-update.cpp | |
rib-update.hpp | |
rib.cpp | |
rib.hpp | |
route.cpp | |
route.hpp | |
service.cpp | |
service.hpp | |
▼ utils | |
► topology | |
annotated-topology-reader.cpp | |
annotated-topology-reader.hpp | |
rocketfuel-map-reader.cpp | |
rocketfuel-map-reader.hpp | |
rocketfuel-weights-reader.cpp | |
rocketfuel-weights-reader.hpp | |
► tracers | |
l2-rate-tracer.cpp | |
l2-rate-tracer.hpp | |
l2-tracer.cpp | |
l2-tracer.hpp | |
ndn-app-delay-tracer.cpp | |
ndn-app-delay-tracer.hpp | |
ndn-cs-tracer.cpp | |
ndn-cs-tracer.hpp | |
ndn-l3-rate-tracer.cpp | |
ndn-l3-rate-tracer.hpp | |
ndn-l3-tracer.cpp | |
ndn-l3-tracer.hpp | |
► trie | |
► detail | |
functor-hook.hpp | |
multi-policy-container.hpp | |
multi-type-container.hpp | |
aggregate-stats-policy.hpp | |
counting-policy.hpp | |
empty-policy.hpp | |
fifo-policy.hpp | |
lfu-policy.hpp | |
lru-policy.hpp | |
multi-policy.hpp | |
payload-policy.hpp | |
payload-with-policy.hpp | |
persistent-policy.hpp | |
random-policy.hpp | |
trie-with-policy.hpp | |
trie.hpp | |
batches.cpp | |
batches.hpp | |
dummy-keychain.cpp | |
dummy-keychain.hpp | |
mem-usage.hpp | |
ndn-ns3-packet-tag.hpp | |
ndn-rtt-estimator.cpp | |
ndn-rtt-estimator.hpp | |
ndn-rtt-mean-deviation.cpp | |
ndn-rtt-mean-deviation.hpp | |
ndn-time.cpp | |
ndn-time.hpp | |