▶Nboost | |
▶Nasio | |
Cwait_traits< ndn::time::steady_clock > | |
▶Nchrono | |
Cclock_string< ndn::time::steady_clock, CharT > | |
Cclock_string< ndn::time::system_clock, CharT > | |
▶Nface | |
▶NFace | |
CImpl | Implementation detail of Face |
▶Nndn | Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California |
▶Ndetail | |
CAesKeyParamsInfo | AesKeyParamsInfo is used to instantiate SimpleSymmetricKeyParams for AES keys |
CBufferAppendDevice | (implementation detail) a Boost.Iostreams.Sink which appends to an ndn::Buffer |
CEcKeyParamsInfo | EcKeyParamInfo is used to instantiate SimplePublicKeyParams for elliptic curve keys |
CNfdMgmtProtocolStruct | |
CRsaKeyParamsInfo | RsaKeyParamInfo is used to instantiate SimplePublicKeyParams for RSA keys |
CStlForwardIteratorConcept | |
▶Ndns | |
CAnyAddress | |
CError | |
CIpv4Only | |
CIpv6Only | |
CResolver | |
▶Nencoding | |
▶Ndetail | |
CBinaryBlockFast | Create a binary block copying from RandomAccessIterator |
CBinaryBlockSlow | Create a binary block copying from generic InputIterator |
CEncoder | Helper class to perform TLV encoding Interface of this class (mostly) matches interface of Estimator class |
CEncodingImpl | |
CEncodingImpl< EncoderTag > | EncodingImpl specialization for actual TLV encoding |
CEncodingImpl< EstimatorTag > | EncodingImpl specialization for TLV size estimation |
CEstimator | Helper class to estimate size of TLV encoding Interface of this class (mostly) matches interface of Encoder class |
▶Nethernet | |
CAddress | Ethernet hardware address |
▶Nio | |
CError | |
▶Nip | |
CParsedAddress | |
▶Nliterals | |
▶Nlp | |
▶Nfield_location_tags | Indicates where a field may occur |
CBase | |
CFragment | Fragment field |
CHeader | Header field |
▶CCachePolicy | CachePolicy header field |
CError | |
CDecodeHelper | |
CDecodeHelper< TlvType, EmptyValue > | |
CDecodeHelper< TlvType, std::pair< Buffer::const_iterator, Buffer::const_iterator > > | |
CDecodeHelper< TlvType, uint64_t > | |
CEmptyValue | Zero-length TLV-VALUE |
CEncodeHelper | |
CEncodeHelper< TAG, TlvType, EmptyValue > | |
CEncodeHelper< TAG, TlvType, std::pair< Buffer::const_iterator, Buffer::const_iterator > > | |
CEncodeHelper< TAG, TlvType, uint64_t > | |
CField | Concept check for fields |
CFieldDecl | |
CNack | Network Nack |
CNackHeader | Network NACK header |
▶CPacket | |
CError | |
▶CPrefixAnnouncement | Prefix Announcement |
CError | |
▶Nmgmt | |
CControlParameters | Base class for a struct that contains ControlCommand parameters |
▶CControlResponse | ControlCommand response |
CError | |
CDispatcher | Dispatcher on server side of NFD Management protocol |
CStatusDatasetContext | Context for generating response to a StatusDataset request |
▶Nname | |
▶CComponent | Component holds a read-only name component value |
CError | Error that can be thrown from name::Component |
▶Nnet | |
CIfAddrs | |
CNetworkAddress | Stores one IP address supported by a network interface |
CNetworkInterface | Represents one network interface attached to the host |
▶CNetworkMonitor | Network interface monitor |
CError | |
CNetworkMonitorImpl | |
CNetworkMonitorImplNoop | |
CNetworkMonitorImplOsx | |
CNetworkMonitorImplRtnl | |
CNetworkMonitorImplStub | |
CNetworkMonitorStub | Stub NetworkMonitor for unit testing |
▶Nnfd | |
CChannelDataset | Faces/channels dataset |
▶CChannelStatus | Item in NFD Channel dataset |
CError | |
CCommandOptions | Options for ControlCommand execution |
▶CControlCommand | Base class of NFD ControlCommand |
CArgumentError | Error in ControlParameters |
CFieldValidator | |
CController | NFD Management protocol client |
▶CControlParameters | Parameters in a ControlCommand request or response |
CError | |
CCsConfigCommand | Cs/config command |
▶CCsInfo | CS Information dataset |
CError | |
CCsInfoDataset | Cs/info dataset |
CFaceCreateCommand | Faces/create command |
CFaceDataset | Faces/list dataset |
CFaceDatasetBase | Common functionality among FaceDataset and FaceQueryDataset |
CFaceDestroyCommand | Faces/destroy command |
CFaceEventNotification | Face status change notification |
CFaceMonitor | A subscriber for Face status change notification stream |
CFaceQueryDataset | Faces/query dataset |
▶CFaceQueryFilter | Face Query Filter |
CError | |
CFaceStatus | Item in NFD Face dataset |
▶CFaceTraits | Getters and setters for face information fields |
CError | |
CFaceUpdateCommand | Faces/update command |
CFibAddNextHopCommand | Fib/add-nexthop command |
CFibDataset | Fib/list dataset |
▶CFibEntry | |
CError | |
CFibRemoveNextHopCommand | Fib/remove-nexthop command |
CForwarderGeneralStatusDataset | Status/general dataset |
▶CForwarderStatus | NFD General Status dataset |
CError | |
▶CNextHopRecord | |
CError | |
CRibDataset | Rib/list dataset |
▶CRibEntry | Item in NFD RIB dataset |
CError | |
CRibRegisterCommand | Rib/register command |
CRibUnregisterCommand | Rib/unregister command |
▶CRoute | Route in a RibEntry |
CError | |
CRouteFlagsTraits | Defines getters for each route inheritance flag |
▶CStatusDataset | Base class of NFD StatusDataset |
CParseResultError | Indicates reassembled payload cannot be parsed as ResultType |
▶CStrategyChoice | Item in NFD StrategyChoice dataset |
CError | |
CStrategyChoiceDataset | Strategy-choice/list dataset |
CStrategyChoiceSetCommand | Strategy-choice/set command |
CStrategyChoiceUnsetCommand | Strategy-choice/set command |
▶Nsecurity | |
▶Ndetail | |
CBio | |
CEvpMdCtx | |
CEvpPkeyCtx | |
▶Npib | |
▶Ndetail | |
CIdentityImpl | Backend instance of Identity |
CKeyImpl | Backend instance of Key |
▶CCertificateContainer | Container of certificates of a key |
Cconst_iterator | |
CIdentity | A frontend handle of an Identity |
▶CIdentityContainer | Container of identities of a Pib |
Cconst_iterator | |
CKey | A frontend handle of a key instance |
▶CKeyContainer | Container of keys of an identity |
Cconst_iterator | |
▶CPib | PIB |
CError | Semantic error |
▶CPibImpl | Abstract class of PIB implementation |
CError | Non-semantic error |
▶CPibMemory | An in-memory implementation of Pib |
CError | |
CPibSqlite3 | Pib backend implementation based on SQLite3 database |
▶Ntpm | |
▶CBackEnd | Abstraction of Tpm back-end |
CError | |
▶CBackEndFile | The back-end implementation of file-based TPM |
CError | |
CImpl | |
▶CBackEndMem | The back-end implementation of in-memory TPM |
CError | |
CImpl | |
▶CBackEndOsx | The back-end implementation of TPM based on macOS Keychain Services |
CError | |
CImpl | |
CDummyKeyHandle | |
▶CKeyHandle | Abstraction of TPM key handle |
CError | |
CKeyHandleMem | A TPM key handle that keeps the private key in memory |
CKeyHandleOsx | Abstraction of TPM key handle used by the TPM based on OS X Keychain Service |
▶CTpm | Front-end of TPM |
CError | |
▶Ntransform | |
▶CBase64Decode | The module to perform Base64 decoding transformation |
CImpl | The implementation class which contains the internal state of the filter which includes openssl specific structures |
▶CBase64Encode | The module to perform Base64 encoding transformation |
CImpl | The implementation class which contains the internal state of the filter which includes openssl specific structures |
▶CBlockCipher | The module to encrypt data using block cipher |
CImpl | |
CBoolSink | A sink which outputs only one boolean value |
CBufferSource | A source taking a memory buffer as input |
▶CDigestFilter | The module to calculate digest |
CImpl | |
CDownstream | The downstream interface of a transformation module |
CError | Base class of transformation error |
CHexDecode | The module to perform hexadecimal decoding transformation |
CHexEncode | The module to perform hexadecimal encoding transformation |
▶CHmacFilter | The module to generate HMAC for input data |
CImpl | |
▶CPrivateKey | Abstraction of private key in crypto transformation |
CError | |
▶CPublicKey | Abstraction of public key in crypto transformation |
CError | |
▶CSignerFilter | The module to sign data |
CImpl | |
CSink | Abstraction of the transformation sink module |
CSource | Abstraction of the transformation source module |
CStepSource | A source that can accept input step by step, and can close input explicitly |
CStreamSink | A sink which directs output to an std::ostream |
CStreamSource | A source taking an std::istream as input |
CStripSpace | Strip whitespace characters from a stream |
CTransform | Abstraction of an intermediate transformation module |
CUpstream | The upstream interface of a transformation module |
▶CVerifierFilter | The module to verify signatures |
CImpl | |
▶Nv2 | |
▶Nvalidator_config | |
CChecker | |
CError | |
CFilter | Filter is one of the classes used by ValidatorConfig |
CHyperRelationChecker | |
CNameRelationChecker | |
CRegexChecker | |
CRegexNameFilter | Filter to check that packet name matches the specified regular expression |
CRelationNameFilter | Check that name is in relation to the packet name |
CRule | |
CValidationPolicyConfig | The validator which can be set up via a configuration file |
▶CAdditionalDescription | Abstraction of AdditionalDescription |
CError | |
CCertContainerInterface | |
CCertificate | The certificate following the certificate format naming convention |
CCertificateBundleFetcher | Fetch certificate bundle from the network |
CCertificateCache | Represents a container for verified certificates |
CCertificateFetcher | Interface used by the validator to fetch missing certificates |
CCertificateFetcherDirectFetch | Extends CertificateFetcherFromNetwork to fetch certificates from the incoming face of the packet |
CCertificateFetcherFromNetwork | Fetch missing keys from the network |
CCertificateFetcherOffline | Certificate fetcher realization that does not fetch keys (always offline) |
CCertificateRequest | Request for a certificate, associated with the number of attempts |
CCertificateStorage | Storage for trusted anchors, verified certificate cache, and unverified certificate cache |
CDataValidationState | Validation state for a data packet |
CDynamicTrustAnchorGroup | Dynamic trust anchor group |
CInterestValidationState | Validation state for an interest packet |
▶CKeyChain | The interface of signing key management |
CError | |
CInvalidSigningInfoError | Error indicating that the supplied SigningInfo is invalid |
CLocatorMismatchError | Error indicating that the supplied TPM locator does not match the locator stored in PIB |
CStaticTrustAnchorGroup | Static trust anchor group |
▶CTrustAnchorContainer | Container for trust anchors |
CError | |
CTrustAnchorGroup | A group of trust anchors |
CValidationError | Validation error code and optional detailed error message |
CValidationPolicy | Abstraction that implements validation policy for Data and Interest packets |
CValidationPolicyAcceptAll | A validator policy that accepts any signature of data and interest packets |
▶CValidationPolicyCommandInterest | Validation policy for stop-and-wait command Interests |
COptions | |
CValidationPolicySimpleHierarchy | Validation policy for a simple hierarchical trust model |
CValidationState | Validation state |
CValidator | Interface for validating data and interest packets |
CValidatorNull | Validator with "accept-all" policy and offline certificate fetcher |
CCommandInterestPreparer | Helper class to prepare command interest name |
CCommandInterestSigner | Helper class to create command interests |
▶CDummyPib | |
CError | |
▶CDummyTpm | |
CError | |
CSafeBag | Secured container for sensitive information(certificate, private key) |
▶CSigningInfo | Signing parameters passed to KeyChain |
CError | |
CValidatorConfig | Helper for validator that uses CommandInterest + Config policy and NetworkFetcher |
▶CValidityPeriod | Abstraction of validity period |
CError | |
▶Ntime | |
CCustomClock | Class implementing custom system or steady clock behavior |
Csteady_clock | Steady clock |
Csystem_clock | System clock |
CUnitTestClock | Clock that can be used in unit tests for time-dependent tests independent of wall clock |
CUnitTestClockTraits | Traits for UnitTestClock, defining default behavior for different clocks |
CUnitTestClockTraits< system_clock > | Specialization of UnitTestClockTraits for system_clock |
▶Ntlv | Namespace defining NDN-TLV related constants and procedures |
▶Ndetail | |
CReadNumber | |
CReadNumberFast | Function object to read a number from ContiguousIterator |
CReadNumberSlow | Function object to read a number from InputIterator |
CError | Error in TLV encoding or decoding |
▶Nutil | |
▶Ndetail | |
CSteadyTimer | |
▶Nscheduler | |
CScheduler | Generic scheduler |
CScopedEventId | Event that is automatically cancelled upon destruction |
▶Nsignal | |
CConnection | Connection to a signal |
CDummyExtraArg | (implementation detail) a filler for extra argument |
CScopedConnection | Disconnects a Connection automatically upon destruction |
CSignal | Lightweight signal / event system |
CCFReleaser | Helper class to wrap CoreFoundation object pointers |
▶CDummyClientFace | Client-side face for unit testing |
CAlreadyLinkedError | |
CBroadcastLink | |
COptions | Options for DummyClientFace |
CTransport | |
CIndentedStream | Output to stream with specified indent or prefix |
CNotificationStream | Publisher of Notification Stream |
CNotificationSubscriber | Subscriber of Notification Stream |
CNotificationSubscriberBase | |
CSegmentFetcher | Utility class to fetch latest version of the segmented data |
▶CSha256 | Provides stateful SHA-256 digest calculation |
CError | |
CSqlite3Statement | Wrap an SQLite3 prepared statement |
CAsHex | Helper class to convert a number to hexadecimal format, for use with stream insertion operators |
Cbad_optional_access | |
▶CBlock | Represents a TLV element of NDN packet format |
CError | |
CBuffer | General-purpose automatically managed/resized buffer |
CCanonizeProvider | CanonizeProvider provides FaceUri canonization functionality for a group of schemes |
CCanonizeProviderTableInitializer | |
▶CConfigFile | System configuration file for NDN platform |
CError | |
CContainerWithOnEmptySignal | A container that emits onEmpty signal when it becomes empty |
▶CData | Represents a Data packet |
CError | |
CDelegation | Delegation |
▶CDelegationList | List of Delegations |
CError | |
CDevCanonizeProvider | |
CDigestSha256 | Represents a signature of DigestSha256 type |
CEtherCanonizeProvider | |
▶CExclude | Represents Exclude selector in NDN Interest |
Cconst_iterator | |
CError | |
CExcludeComponent | Either a name::Component or "negative infinity" |
CRange | Represent an excluded component or range |
▶CFace | Provide a communication channel with local or remote NDN forwarder |
CError | |
COversizedPacketError | Exception thrown when attempting to send a packet over size limit |
▶CFaceUri | Underlying protocol and address used by a Face |
CError | |
Cin_place_t | |
▶CInMemoryStorage | Represents in-memory storage |
Cconst_iterator | Represents a self-defined const_iterator for the in-memory storage |
CError | Represents an error might be thrown during reduce the current capacity of the in-memory storage through function setCapacity(size_t nMaxPackets) |
CInMemoryStorageEntry | Represents an in-memory storage entry |
CInMemoryStorageFifo | Provides in-memory storage employing First-In-First-Out (FIFO) replacement policy |
CInMemoryStorageLfu | Provides an in-memory storage with Least Frequently Used (LFU) replacement policy |
CInMemoryStorageLru | Provides in-memory storage employing Least Recently Used (LRU) replacement policy |
CInMemoryStoragePersistent | Provides application cache with persistent storage, of which no replacement policy will be employed |
▶CInterest | Interest packet |
CError | |
▶CInterestFilter | Declares the set of Interests a producer can serve, which starts with a name prefix, plus an optional regular expression |
CError | |
CInterestFilterRecord | Associates an InterestFilter with Interest callback |
CIpHostCanonizeProvider | |
▶CKeyLocator | |
CError | |
▶CKeyParams | Base class of key parameters |
CError | |
▶CLink | Link object |
CError | |
CMatchInterestFilterId | Functor to match InterestFilterId |
CMatchPendingInterestId | Functor to match PendingInterestId |
CMatchRegisteredPrefixId | Functor to match RegisteredPrefixId |
▶CMetaInfo | An MetaInfo holds the meta info which is signed inside the data packet |
CError | |
▶CName | Represents an absolute name |
CError | |
CNotificationStreamItem | Concept check for an item in a Notification Stream |
Cnullopt_t | |
COBufferStream | Implements an output stream that constructs ndn::Buffer |
Coptional | |
Costream_joiner | |
CPacketBase | Base class to allow simple management of packet tags |
CPendingInterest | Stores a pending Interest and associated callbacks |
CRegexBackrefManager | |
CRegexBackrefMatcher | |
CRegexComponentMatcher | |
CRegexComponentSetMatcher | |
▶CRegexMatcher | |
CError | |
CRegexPatternListMatcher | |
CRegexPseudoMatcher | |
CRegexRepeatMatcher | |
CRegexTopMatcher | |
CRegisteredPrefix | Stores information about a prefix registered in NDN forwarder |
▶CSelectors | Abstraction implementing Interest selectors |
CError | |
▶CSignature | Holds SignatureInfo and SignatureValue in a Data packet |
CError | |
▶CSignatureInfo | Represents a SignatureInfo TLV element |
CError | |
CSignatureSha256WithEcdsa | Represents a signature of Sha256WithEcdsa type |
CSignatureSha256WithRsa | Represents a signature of Sha256WithRsa type |
CSimplePublicKeyParams | SimplePublicKeyParams is a template for public keys with only one parameter: size |
CSimpleSymmetricKeyParams | SimpleSymmetricKeyParams is a template for symmetric keys with only one parameter: size |
CSimpleTag | Tag type for simple types |
CStatusDatasetItem | Concept check for an item in a Status Dataset |
CStreamTransportImpl | Implementation detail of a Boost.Asio-based stream-oriented transport |
CStreamTransportWithResolverImpl | Implementation detail of a Boost.Asio-based stream-oriented transport with resolver support |
CStringHelperError | |
CTag | Base class for packet tags that can hold any arbitrary information |
CTagHost | Base class to store tag information (e.g., inside Interest and Data packets) |
CTcpCanonizeProvider | |
CTcpTransport | Transport using TCP socket |
▶CTransport | TLV-block delivery service |
CError | |
CUdpCanonizeProvider | |
CUdpDevCanonizeProvider | |
CUnixTransport | Transport using Unix stream socket |
CWireDecodable | Concept check for TLV abstraction with .wireDecode method and constructible from Block |
CWireEncodable | Concept check for TLV abstraction with .wireEncode method |
CWireEncodableWithEncodingBuffer | Concept check for TLV abstraction with .wireEncode method |
▶Nnfd | Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California |
▶Ncs | |
▶Nlru | |
CEntryItComparator | |
CLruPolicy | LRU cs replacement policy |
▶Npriority_fifo | |
CEntryInfo | |
CEntryItComparator | |
CPriorityFifoPolicy | Priority Fifo cs replacement policy |
▶CCs | ContentStore |
CEntryFromEntryImpl | |
CEntry | Base class for CS entry |
CEntryImpl | Entry in ContentStore implementation |
CPolicy | CS replacement policy |
▶Ndetail | |
CSimulatorIo | Simulator-based IO that implements a few interfaces from boost::asio::io_service |
CStlForwardIteratorConcept | |
▶Nface | |
CChannel | Represent a channel that communicates on a local endpoint |
CDatagramTransport | Implements Transport for datagram-based protocols |
▶CEthernetChannel | Class implementing Ethernet-based channel to create faces |
CError | EthernetChannel-related error |
CEthernetFactory | Protocol factory for Ethernet |
▶CEthernetTransport | Base class for Ethernet-based Transports |
CError | |
CFace | Generalization of a network interface |
CFaceCounters | Gives access to counters provided by Face |
CFaceLogHelper | For internal use by FaceLogging macros |
CFaceParams | Parameters used to set Transport properties or LinkService options on a newly created face |
▶CFaceSystem | Entry point of the face system |
CConfigContext | Context for processing a config section in ProtocolFactory |
CGeneralConfig | Configuration options from "general" section |
▶CGenericLinkService | GenericLinkService is a LinkService that implements the NDNLPv2 protocol |
COptions | Options that control the behavior of GenericLinkService |
CGenericLinkServiceCounters | Counters provided by GenericLinkService |
CInternalClientTransport | Implements a client-side transport that can be paired with another |
CInternalForwarderTransport | Implements a forwarder-side transport that can be paired with another |
CInternalTransportBase | Abstracts a transport that can be paired with another |
CLinkService | Upper part of a Face |
CLinkServiceCounters | Counters provided by LinkService |
▶CLpFragmenter | Fragments network-layer packets into NDNLPv2 link-layer packets |
COptions | Options that control the behavior of LpFragmenter |
▶CLpReassembler | Reassembles fragmented network-layer packets |
COptions | Options that control the behavior of LpReassembler |
▶CLpReliability | For reliable sending and receiving of link-layer packets |
COptions | |
CMulticast | |
CMulticastEthernetTransport | A multicast Transport that uses raw Ethernet II frames |
▶CMulticastUdpTransport | A Transport that communicates on a UDP multicast group |
CError | |
▶CPcapHelper | Helper class for dealing with libpcap handles |
CError | |
▶CProtocolFactory | Provides support for an underlying protocol |
CCreateFaceRequest | Encapsulates a face creation request and all its parameters |
CError | Base class for all exceptions thrown by ProtocolFactory subclasses |
CProtocolFactoryCtorParams | Parameters to ProtocolFactory constructor |
CStreamTransport | Implements Transport for stream-based protocols |
CTcpChannel | Class implementing TCP-based channel to create faces |
CTcpFactory | Protocol factory for TCP over IPv4 and IPv6 |
CTcpTransport | A Transport that communicates on a connected TCP socket |
▶CTransport | Lower part of a Face |
CPacket | Stores a packet along with the remote endpoint |
CTransportCounters | Counters provided by Transport |
CUdpChannel | Class implementing UDP-based channel to create faces |
▶CUdpFactory | Protocol factory for UDP over IPv4 and IPv6 |
CError | Exception of UdpFactory |
CUnicast | |
CUnicastEthernetTransport | A unicast Transport that uses raw Ethernet II frames |
CUnicastUdpTransport | A Transport that communicates on a unicast UDP socket |
▶CUnixStreamChannel | Class implementing a local channel to create faces |
CError | UnixStreamChannel-related error |
CUnixStreamFactory | Protocol factory for stream-oriented Unix sockets |
CUnixStreamTransport | A Transport that communicates on a stream-oriented Unix domain socket |
CWebSocketChannel | Class implementing WebSocket-based channel to create faces |
CWebSocketFactory | Protocol factory for WebSocket |
CWebSocketTransport | A Transport that communicates on a WebSocket connection |
CWebSocketTransportCounters | Counters provided by WebSocketTransport |
▶Nfib | |
CEntry | FIB entry |
CFib | Forwarding Information Base (FIB) |
CNextHop | Nexthop record in FIB entry |
▶Nfw | |
▶Nasf | |
CAsfMeasurements | Helper class to retrieve and create strategy measurements |
CAsfStrategy | Adaptive SRTT-based Forwarding Strategy |
▶CFaceInfo | Strategy information for each face in a namespace |
CError | |
CFaceStats | |
CNamespaceInfo | Stores stategy information about each face in this namespace |
CProbingModule | ASF Probing Module |
CRttStats | |
CAccessStrategy | Access Router Strategy version 1 |
CAdmitAllUnsolicitedDataPolicy | Admits all unsolicited Data |
CAdmitLocalUnsolicitedDataPolicy | Admits unsolicited Data from local faces |
CAdmitNetworkUnsolicitedDataPolicy | Admits unsolicited Data from non-local faces |
CBestRouteStrategy | Best Route strategy version 1 |
CBestRouteStrategy2 | Best Route strategy version 4 |
CBestRouteStrategyBase | |
CClientControlStrategy | Identical to BestRouteStrategy v1, for backwards compatibility |
CDropAllUnsolicitedDataPolicy | Drops all unsolicited Data |
CMulticastStrategy | Forwarding strategy that forwards Interest to all FIB nexthops |
▶CNccStrategy | Forwarding strategy similar to CCNx 0.7.2 |
CMeasurementsEntryInfo | StrategyInfo on measurements::Entry |
CPitEntryInfo | StrategyInfo on pit::Entry |
CProcessNackTraits | |
CProcessNackTraitsBase | Common procedure for processing Nacks |
▶CRetxSuppressionExponential | Retransmission suppression decision algorithm that suppresses retransmissions using exponential backoff |
CPitInfo | |
CRetxSuppressionFixed | Retransmission suppression decision algorithm that suppresses retransmissions within a fixed duration |
▶CStrategy | Forwarding strategy |
CParsedInstanceName | |
CStrategyInfo | Arbitrary information forwarding strategy places on table entries |
CUnsolicitedDataPolicy | Determines how to process an unsolicited Data |
▶Nmeasurements | |
CAnyEntry | EntryPredicate that accepts any entry |
CEntry | Measurements entry |
CEntryWithStrategyInfo | EntryPredicate that accepts an entry if it has StrategyInfo of type T |
CMeasurements | Measurements table |
CMeasurementsAccessor | Allows Strategy to access portion of Measurements table under its namespace |
▶Nname_tree | |
CAnyEntry | EntrySelector that accepts every Entry |
CAnyEntrySubTree | EntrySubTreeSelector that accepts every Entry and its children |
CEntry | Entry in the name tree |
CEnumerationImpl | Enumeration operation implementation |
CFullEnumerationImpl | Full enumeration implementation |
CGetTableEntry | Functor to get a table entry from a name tree entry |
CHash32 | |
CHash64 | |
CHashtable | Hashtable for fast exact name lookup |
CHashtableOptions | Options for Hashtable |
CIterator | NameTree iterator |
CNameTree | Common index structure for FIB, PIT, StrategyChoice, and Measurements |
CNode | Hashtable node |
CPartialEnumerationImpl | Partial enumeration implementation |
CPrefixMatchImpl | Partial enumeration implementation |
▶Npit | |
CEntry | Interest table entry |
CFaceRecord | Information about an Interest on an incoming or outgoing face |
CInRecord | Information about an Interest from an incoming face |
CIterator | PIT iterator |
COutRecord | Information about an Interest toward an outgoing face |
CPit | Interest Table |
▶Nrib | |
▶CAutoPrefixPropagator | Automatic prefix propagation feature |
CError | |
CClientToNlsrReadvertisePolicy | Policy to readvertise routes registered by end hosts into NLSR |
CFibUpdate | FIB update |
▶CFibUpdater | Computes FibUpdates based on updates to the RIB and sends them to NFD |
CError | |
CNfdRibReadvertiseDestination | Readvertise destination using NFD RIB management protocol |
CPropagatedEntry | Entry for prefix propagation |
CReadvertise | Readvertise a subset of routes to a destination according to a policy |
CReadvertiseAction | Decision made by readvertise policy |
CReadvertiseDestination | Destination to readvertise into |
CReadvertisedRoute | State of a readvertised route |
CReadvertisePolicy | Policy to decide whether to readvertise a route, and what prefix to readvertise |
CRib | Routing Information Base |
CRibEntry | RIB entry, which contains one or more Routes with the same prefix |
▶CRibManager | |
CError | |
CRibRouteRef | References a route |
CRibUpdate | RibUpdate |
CRibUpdateBatch | Collection of RibUpdates to be applied to a single FaceId |
CRoute | Route for a name prefix |
▶CService | Initializes and executes NFD-RIB service thread |
CError | |
▶Nscheduler | |
CScopedEventId | Cancels an event automatically upon destruction |
▶Nstrategy_choice | |
CEntry | Strategy Choice entry |
▶CStrategyChoice | Strategy Choice table |
CInsertResult | |
CByteCounter | Counter of number of bytes |
CCommandAuthenticator | ControlCommand authorization according to NFD configuration file |
CCommandAuthenticatorValidationPolicy | Validation policy that only permits Interest signed by a trust anchor |
▶CConfigFile | Configuration file parsing utility |
CError | |
CCsManager | Implement the CS Management of NFD Management Protocol |
CDeadNonceList | Dead Nonce list |
CFaceManager | Implement the Face Management of NFD Management Protocol |
CFaceTable | Container of all faces |
CFibManager | Implement the FIB Management of NFD Management Protocol |
CForwarder | Main class of NFD |
CForwarderCounters | Counters provided by Forwarder |
CForwarderStatusManager | Implement the Forwarder Status of NFD Management Protocol |
▶CManagerBase | Collection of common functions shared by all NFD managers and RIB manager, such as communicating with the dispatcher and command validator |
CError | |
CNetwork | |
CNetworkInterfacePredicate | Represents a predicate to accept or reject a NetworkInterfaceInfo |
CNetworkRegionTable | Stores a collection of producer region names |
CNfd | Class representing NFD instance This class can be used to initialize all components of NFD |
CNfdManagerBase | Collection of common functions shared by all NFD managers, such as communicating with the dispatcher and command validator |
CNfdRunner | Executes NFD with RIB manager |
CPacketCounter | Counter of number of packets |
▶CPrivilegeHelper | |
CError | Serious seteuid/gid failure |
CRttEstimator | Implements the Mean-Deviation RTT estimator |
CSimpleCounter | Counter that encloses an integer value |
CSizeCounter | Counter that observes the size of a table |
CStrategyChoiceManager | Implement the Strategy Choice Management of NFD Management Protocol |
CStrategyInfoHost | Base class for an entity onto which StrategyInfo items may be placed |
CTablesConfigSection | Handles 'tables' config section |
▶Nns3 | Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California |
▶Nndn | |
▶Ncs | Namespace for ContentStore operations |
▶NFreshness | |
CFifo | Content Store with freshness implementing FIFO cache replacement policy |
CLfu | Content Store with freshness implementing Least Frequently Used cache replacement policy |
CLru | Content Store with freshness implementing LRU cache replacement policy |
CRandom | Content Store with freshness implementing Random cache replacement policy |
▶NProbability | |
CFifo | Content Store with freshness implementing FIFO cache replacement policy |
CLfu | Content Store with freshness implementing Least Frequently Used cache replacement policy |
CLru | Content Store with freshness implementing LRU cache replacement policy |
CRandom | Content Store with freshness implementing Random cache replacement policy |
▶NProbabilityImpl | |
CFifo | |
CLfu | |
CLru | |
CRandom | |
▶NStats | |
CFifo | Content Store with stats implementing FIFO cache replacement policy |
CLfu | Content Store with stats implementing Least Frequently Used cache replacement policy |
CLru | Content Store with stats implementing LRU cache replacement policy |
CRandom | Content Store with stats implementing Random cache replacement policy |
CContentStoreImpl | Base implementation of NDN content store |
CContentStoreWithFreshness | Special content store realization that honors Freshness parameter in Data packets |
CContentStoreWithProbability | Special content store realization that probabilistically accepts data packet into CS (placement policy) |
CContentStoreWithStats | Special content store realization that provides ability to track stats of CS operations |
CEntry | NDN content store entry |
CEntryImpl | Cache entry implementation with additional references to the base container |
▶CFifo | Content Store implementing FIFO cache replacement policy |
CAggregateStats | |
CFreshness | |
CLifetimeStats | |
CisNotExcluded | |
▶CLfu | Content Store implementing Least Frequently Used cache replacement policy |
CAggregateStats | |
CFreshness | |
CLifetimeStats | |
▶CLru | Content Store implementing LRU cache replacement policy |
CAggregateStats | |
CFreshness | |
CLifetimeStats | |
CNocache | Implementation of ContentStore that completely disables caching |
▶CRandom | Content Store implementing Random cache replacement policy |
CAggregateStats | |
CFreshness | |
CLifetimeStats | |
▶Ntime | |
CCustomSteadyClock | |
CCustomSystemClock | |
CApp | Base class that all NDN applications should be derived from |
CAppDelayTracer | Tracer to obtain application-level delays |
CAppHelper | A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::ndn::App applications on a set of nodes |
CAppLinkService | Implementation of LinkService for ndnSIM application |
CBlockHeader | |
CConsumer | NDN application for sending out Interest packets |
CConsumerBatches | Ndn application for sending out Interest packets in batches |
CConsumerCbr | Ndn application for sending out Interest packets at a "constant" rate (Poisson process) |
CConsumerWindow | Ndn application for sending out Interest packets (window-based) |
CConsumerZipfMandelbrot | NDN app requesting contents following Zipf-Mandelbrot Distbituion |
CContentStore | Base class for NDN content store |
CCsTracer | NDN tracer for cache performance (hits and misses) |
CFaceContainer | A pool for Ndn faces |
CFactoryCallbackApp | An application that can be created using the supplied callback |
CFibHelper | Forwarding Information Base (FIB) helper |
CGlobalRouter | Class representing global router interface for ndnSIM |
CGlobalRoutingHelper | Helper for GlobalRouter interface |
CIgnoreSections | |
▶CL3Protocol | Implementation network-layer of NDN stack |
CImpl | |
CL3RateTracer | NDN network-layer rate tracer |
▶CL3Tracer | Base class for network-layer (incoming/outgoing Interests and Data) tracing of NDN stack |
CStats | |
CLinkControlHelper | Helper class to control the up or down statuss of an NDN link connecting two specific nodes |
CNameChecker | |
CNameValue | |
CNetDeviceTransport | NdnSIM-specific transport |
CNetworkRegionTableHelper | Network Region Table Helper |
CNs3BufferIteratorSource | |
CNs3PacketTag | |
CNullTransport | Null transport (does nothing, just fulfills requirements of the interface) |
CProducer | A simple Interest-sink applia simple Interest-sink application |
CRttEstimator | Base class for all RTT Estimators |
CRttHistory | Helper class to store RTT measurements |
CRttMeanDeviation | The modified version of "Mean--Deviation" RTT estimator, as discussed by Van Jacobson that better suits NDN communication model |
▶CScenarioHelper | Helper class to simplify writing basic simulation scenarios |
CAppInfo | |
CRouteInfo | Route information for addRoutes method |
CStackHelper | Helper class to install NDN stack and configure its parameters |
CStrategyChoiceHelper | NFD Strategy Choice Helper (FIB) helper |
CAnnotatedTopologyReader | This class reads annotated topology and apply settings to the corresponding nodes and links |
CBatches | Class representing sets of (time, number) tuples with support of reading writing to streams |
CBatchesChecker | |
CBatchesValue | |
CL2RateTracer | Tracer to collect link-layer rate information about links |
▶CL2Tracer | Link-layer tracer |
CStats | |
CRocketfuelMapReader | Topology file reader and topology estimator (extension of Rocketfuel-format type) |
CRocketfuelParams | |
CRocketfuelWeightsReader | Topology file reader (extension of Rocketfuel-format type) |
▶Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< ndn::ethernet::Address > | |
Chash< ndn::Name > | |
▶Ntransform | |
▶NPrivateKey | |
CImpl | |
▶NPublicKey | |
CImpl | |
CCachePolicyTag | Packet tag for CachePolicy field |
CCongestionMarkTag | Packet tag for CongestionMark field |
CDataMatchResult | Unordered iterable of all PIT entries matching Data |
CEventId | Opaque type (shared_ptr) representing ID of a scheduled event |
CEventId | Opaque type (shared_ptr) representing ID of a scheduled event |
CHopCountTag | Packet tag for HopCount field |
CIncomingFaceIdTag | Packet tag for IncomingFaceId field |
CMemUsage | Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California |
CNextHopFaceIdTag | Packet tag for NextHopFaceId field |
CNextHopList | Collection of nexthops |
CNonDiscoveryTag | Packet tag for NonDiscovery field |
CPrefixAnnouncementTag | Packet tag for PrefixAnnouncement field |