NS-3 based Named Data Networking (NDN) simulator
ndnSIM: NDN, CCN, CCNx, content centric networks
Overall ndnSIM documentation

Overall ndnSIM documentation

The ndnSIM is NS-3 module that implements Named Data Networking (NDN) communication model, the clean slate Internet design. ndnSIM is specially optimized for simulation purposes and has a cleaner and more extensible internal structure comparing to the existing NDN implementation (NDNx).

We invite you to join our mailing list to see and participate in discussions about ndnSIM implementation and simulations in general (mailing list archives).

Parts of the documentation:

Meta information:

If you refer to ndnSIM in a published work, please cite the following paper, not just the ndnSIM website. Thank you!
A. Afanasyev, I. Moiseenko, and L. Zhang, “ndnSIM: NDN simulator for NS-3,” NDN, Technical Report NDN-0005, 2012 (BibTex)
