NS-3 based Named Data Networking (NDN) simulator
ndnSIM 2.5: NDN, CCN, CCNx, content centric networks
API Documentation
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cboost::asio::wait_traits< ndn::time::steady_clock >
 Cboost::chrono::clock_string< ndn::time::steady_clock, CharT >
 Cboost::chrono::clock_string< ndn::time::system_clock, CharT >
 CCachePolicyTagPacket tag for CachePolicy field
 Cndn::util::CFReleaser< CFRunLoopSourceRef >
 Cndn::util::CFReleaser< SCDynamicStoreRef >
 Cndn::util::CFReleaser< SecKeyRef >
 CCongestionMarkTagPacket tag for CongestionMark field
 Cndn::ContainerWithOnEmptySignal< shared_ptr< PendingInterest > >
 Cndn::ContainerWithOnEmptySignal< shared_ptr< RegisteredPrefix > >
 CDataMatchResultUnordered iterable of all PIT entries matching Data
 CEventIdOpaque type (shared_ptr) representing ID of a scheduled event
 CEventIdOpaque type (shared_ptr) representing ID of a scheduled event
 Cndn::nfd::FaceTraits< FaceEventNotification >
 Cndn::nfd::FaceTraits< FaceStatus >
 CHopCountTagPacket tag for HopCount field
 CIncomingFaceIdTagPacket tag for IncomingFaceId field
 CMemUsageCopyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California
 Cndn::AsHexHelper class to convert a number to hexadecimal format, for use with stream insertion operators
 Cndn::BlockRepresents a TLV element of NDN packet format
 Cndn::ContainerWithOnEmptySignal< T >A container that emits onEmpty signal when it becomes empty
 Cndn::DelegationListList of Delegations
 Cndn::detail::AesKeyParamsInfoAesKeyParamsInfo is used to instantiate SimpleSymmetricKeyParams for AES keys
 Cndn::detail::BufferAppendDevice(implementation detail) a Boost.Iostreams.Sink which appends to an ndn::Buffer
 Cndn::detail::EcKeyParamsInfoEcKeyParamInfo is used to instantiate SimplePublicKeyParams for elliptic curve keys
 Cndn::detail::RsaKeyParamsInfoRsaKeyParamInfo is used to instantiate SimplePublicKeyParams for RSA keys
 Cndn::encoding::detail::BinaryBlockFast< Iterator >Create a binary block copying from RandomAccessIterator
 Cndn::encoding::detail::BinaryBlockSlow< Iterator >Create a binary block copying from generic InputIterator
 Cndn::encoding::EncoderHelper class to perform TLV encoding Interface of this class (mostly) matches interface of Estimator class
 Cndn::encoding::EncodingImpl< TAG >
 Cndn::encoding::EstimatorHelper class to estimate size of TLV encoding Interface of this class (mostly) matches interface of Encoder class
 Cndn::ExcludeRepresents Exclude selector in NDN Interest
 Cndn::Exclude::ExcludeComponentEither a name::Component or "negative infinity"
 Cndn::Exclude::RangeRepresent an excluded component or range
 Cndn::FaceUriUnderlying protocol and address used by a Face
 Cndn::InterestFilterDeclares the set of Interests a producer can serve, which starts with a name prefix, plus an optional regular expression
 Cndn::KeyParamsBase class of key parameters
 Cndn::lp::CachePolicyCachePolicy header field
 Cndn::lp::DecodeHelper< TlvType, T >
 Cndn::lp::DecodeHelper< TlvType, EmptyValue >
 Cndn::lp::DecodeHelper< TlvType, std::pair< Buffer::const_iterator, Buffer::const_iterator > >
 Cndn::lp::DecodeHelper< TlvType, uint64_t >
 Cndn::lp::EmptyValueZero-length TLV-VALUE
 Cndn::lp::EncodeHelper< TAG, TlvType, T >
 Cndn::lp::EncodeHelper< TAG, TlvType, EmptyValue >
 Cndn::lp::EncodeHelper< TAG, TlvType, std::pair< Buffer::const_iterator, Buffer::const_iterator > >
 Cndn::lp::EncodeHelper< TAG, TlvType, uint64_t >
 Cndn::lp::Field< X >Concept check for fields
 Cndn::lp::NackHeaderNetwork NACK header
 Cndn::lp::PrefixAnnouncementPrefix Announcement
 Cndn::MatchInterestFilterIdFunctor to match InterestFilterId
 Cndn::MatchPendingInterestIdFunctor to match PendingInterestId
 Cndn::MatchRegisteredPrefixIdFunctor to match RegisteredPrefixId
 Cndn::MetaInfoAn MetaInfo holds the meta info which is signed inside the data packet
 Cndn::mgmt::ControlParametersBase class for a struct that contains ControlCommand parameters
 Cndn::mgmt::ControlResponseControlCommand response
 Cndn::NameRepresents an absolute name
 Cndn::net::NetworkAddressStores one IP address supported by a network interface
 Cndn::net::NetworkInterfaceRepresents one network interface attached to the host
 Cndn::nfd::ChannelStatusItem in NFD Channel dataset
 Cndn::nfd::CommandOptionsOptions for ControlCommand execution
 Cndn::nfd::CsInfoCS Information dataset
 Cndn::nfd::FaceQueryFilterFace Query Filter
 Cndn::nfd::FaceTraits< C >Getters and setters for face information fields
 Cndn::nfd::ForwarderStatusNFD General Status dataset
 Cndn::nfd::RibEntryItem in NFD RIB dataset
 Cndn::nfd::RouteFlagsTraits< T >Defines getters for each route inheritance flag
 Cndn::nfd::StrategyChoiceItem in NFD StrategyChoice dataset
 Cndn::optional< T >
 Cndn::ostream_joiner< DelimT, CharT, Traits >
 Cndn::security::pib::IdentityA frontend handle of an Identity
 Cndn::security::pib::KeyA frontend handle of a key instance
 Cndn::security::SafeBagSecured container for sensitive information(certificate, private key)
 Cndn::security::SigningInfoSigning parameters passed to KeyChain
 Cndn::security::transform::Base64Decode::ImplThe implementation class which contains the internal state of the filter which includes openssl specific structures
 Cndn::security::transform::Base64Encode::ImplThe implementation class which contains the internal state of the filter which includes openssl specific structures
 Cndn::security::transform::DownstreamThe downstream interface of a transformation module
 Cndn::security::transform::UpstreamThe upstream interface of a transformation module
 Cndn::security::v2::AdditionalDescriptionAbstraction of AdditionalDescription
 Cndn::security::v2::ValidationErrorValidation error code and optional detailed error message
 Cndn::security::ValidityPeriodAbstraction of validity period
 Cndn::SelectorsAbstraction implementing Interest selectors
 Cndn::SignatureHolds SignatureInfo and SignatureValue in a Data packet
 Cndn::SignatureInfoRepresents a SignatureInfo TLV element
 Cndn::TagBase class for packet tags that can hold any arbitrary information
 Cndn::TagHostBase class to store tag information (e.g., inside Interest and Data packets)
 Cndn::time::CustomClock< BaseClock >Class implementing custom system or steady clock behavior
 Cndn::time::steady_clockSteady clock
 Cndn::time::system_clockSystem clock
 Cndn::time::UnitTestClockTraits< BaseClock >Traits for UnitTestClock, defining default behavior for different clocks
 Cndn::time::UnitTestClockTraits< system_clock >Specialization of UnitTestClockTraits for system_clock
 Cndn::tlv::detail::ReadNumberFast< Iterator >Function object to read a number from ContiguousIterator
 Cndn::tlv::detail::ReadNumberSlow< Iterator >Function object to read a number from InputIterator
 Cndn::util::CFReleaser< T >Helper class to wrap CoreFoundation object pointers
 Cndn::util::DummyClientFace::OptionsOptions for DummyClientFace
 Cndn::util::Sha256Provides stateful SHA-256 digest calculation
 Cndn::util::signal::ConnectionConnection to a signal
 Cndn::util::signal::DummyExtraArg(implementation detail) a filler for extra argument
 Cndn::WireDecodable< X >Concept check for TLV abstraction with .wireDecode method and constructible from Block
 Cndn::WireEncodable< X >Concept check for TLV abstraction with .wireEncode method
 Cndn::WireEncodableWithEncodingBuffer< X >Concept check for TLV abstraction with .wireEncode method
 C trie_with_policy
 CNextHopFaceIdTagPacket tag for NextHopFaceId field
 CNextHopListCollection of nexthops
 Cnfd::cs::EntryBase class for CS entry
 Cnfd::detail::SimulatorIoSimulator-based IO that implements a few interfaces from boost::asio::io_service
 Cnfd::face::FaceCountersGives access to counters provided by Face
 Cnfd::face::FaceLogHelper< T >For internal use by FaceLogging macros
 Cnfd::face::FaceParamsParameters used to set Transport properties or LinkService options on a newly created face
 Cnfd::face::FaceSystem::GeneralConfigConfiguration options from "general" section
 Cnfd::face::GenericLinkService::OptionsOptions that control the behavior of GenericLinkService
 Cnfd::face::InternalTransportBaseAbstracts a transport that can be paired with another
 Cnfd::face::LinkServiceCountersCounters provided by LinkService
 Cnfd::face::LpFragmenterFragments network-layer packets into NDNLPv2 link-layer packets
 Cnfd::face::LpFragmenter::OptionsOptions that control the behavior of LpFragmenter
 Cnfd::face::LpReassembler::OptionsOptions that control the behavior of LpReassembler
 Cnfd::face::ProtocolFactory::CreateFaceRequestEncapsulates a face creation request and all its parameters
 Cnfd::face::ProtocolFactoryCtorParamsParameters to ProtocolFactory constructor
 Cnfd::face::Transport::PacketStores a packet along with the remote endpoint
 Cnfd::face::TransportCountersCounters provided by Transport
 Cnfd::fib::NextHopNexthop record in FIB entry
 Cnfd::ForwarderMain class of NFD
 Cnfd::ForwarderCountersCounters provided by Forwarder
 Cnfd::fw::asf::FaceInfoStrategy information for each face in a namespace
 Cnfd::fw::asf::ProbingModuleASF Probing Module
 Cnfd::fw::RetxSuppressionExponentialRetransmission suppression decision algorithm that suppresses retransmissions using exponential backoff
 Cnfd::fw::RetxSuppressionFixedRetransmission suppression decision algorithm that suppresses retransmissions within a fixed duration
 Cnfd::fw::StrategyInfoArbitrary information forwarding strategy places on table entries
 Cnfd::measurements::AnyEntryEntryPredicate that accepts any entry
 Cnfd::measurements::EntryWithStrategyInfo< T >EntryPredicate that accepts an entry if it has StrategyInfo of type T
 Cnfd::name_tree::AnyEntryEntrySelector that accepts every Entry
 Cnfd::name_tree::AnyEntrySubTreeEntrySubTreeSelector that accepts every Entry and its children
 Cnfd::name_tree::EnumerationImplEnumeration operation implementation
 Cnfd::name_tree::GetTableEntry< ENTRY >Functor to get a table entry from a name tree entry
 Cnfd::name_tree::HashtableHashtable for fast exact name lookup
 Cnfd::name_tree::HashtableOptionsOptions for Hashtable
 Cnfd::NetworkInterfacePredicateRepresents a predicate to accept or reject a NetworkInterfaceInfo
 Cnfd::PrivilegeHelper::ErrorSerious seteuid/gid failure
 Cnfd::rib::FibUpdateFIB update
 Cnfd::rib::PropagatedEntryEntry for prefix propagation
 Cnfd::rib::ReadvertiseActionDecision made by readvertise policy
 Cnfd::rib::RibRouteRefReferences a route
 Cnfd::rib::RibUpdateBatchCollection of RibUpdates to be applied to a single FaceId
 Cnfd::RttEstimatorImplements the Mean-Deviation RTT estimator
 Cnfd::SimpleCounterCounter that encloses an integer value
 Cnfd::SizeCounter< T >Counter that observes the size of a table
 Cnfd::StrategyInfoHostBase class for an entity onto which StrategyInfo items may be placed
 CNonDiscoveryTagPacket tag for NonDiscovery field
 Cns3::ndn::AppHelperA helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::ndn::App applications on a set of nodes
 Cns3::ndn::FibHelperForwarding Information Base (FIB) helper
 Cns3::ndn::GlobalRoutingHelperHelper for GlobalRouter interface
 Cns3::ndn::LinkControlHelperHelper class to control the up or down statuss of an NDN link connecting two specific nodes
 Cns3::ndn::NetworkRegionTableHelperNetwork Region Table Helper
 Cns3::ndn::RttHistoryHelper class to store RTT measurements
 Cns3::ndn::ScenarioHelperHelper class to simplify writing basic simulation scenarios
 Cns3::ndn::ScenarioHelper::RouteInfoRoute information for addRoutes method
 Cns3::ndn::StrategyChoiceHelperNFD Strategy Choice Helper (FIB) helper
 Cndn::optional< FacePersistency >
 Cndn::optional< FaceScope >
 Cndn::optional< LinkType >
 Cndn::optional< ndn::FaceUri >
 Cndn::optional< ndn::lp::Nack >
 Cndn::optional< time::milliseconds >
 Cndn::optional< time::nanoseconds >
 Cndn::optional< time::steady_clock::TimePoint >
 Cndn::optional< uint32_t >
 Cndn::optional< uint64_t >
 CPrefixAnnouncementTagPacket tag for PrefixAnnouncement field
 Cndn::nfd::RouteFlagsTraits< Route >
 Cnfd::SizeCounter< nfd::face::LpReassembler >
 Cstd::array< T >STL class
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::hash< ndn::ethernet::Address >
 Cstd::hash< ndn::Name >
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Cstd::list< T >STL class
 Cstd::set< K >STL class
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class