NS-3 based Named Data Networking (NDN) simulator
ndnSIM 2.3: NDN, CCN, CCNx, content centric networks
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1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Regents of the University of California.
4  *
5  * This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
6  *
7  * ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
9  * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
12  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
13  * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
16  * General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in COPYING.md file. If not, see
17  * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  *
19  * See AUTHORS.md for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
20  */
22 #include "back-end-osx.hpp"
23 #include "key-handle-osx.hpp"
24 #include "tpm.hpp"
25 #include "../transform/private-key.hpp"
27 #include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
28 #include <Security/SecDigestTransform.h>
29 #include <Security/SecRandom.h>
30 #include <Security/Security.h>
32 namespace ndn {
33 namespace security {
34 namespace tpm {
36 using util::CFReleaser;
39 {
40 public:
41  Impl()
42  : isTerminalMode(false)
43  {
44  }
52  CFReleaser<SecKeychainItemRef>
53  getKey(const Name& keyName)
54  {
55  CFReleaser<CFStringRef> keyLabel = CFStringCreateWithCString(nullptr, keyName.toUri().c_str(),
56  kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
58  CFReleaser<CFMutableDictionaryRef> attrDict =
59  CFDictionaryCreateMutable(nullptr, 5, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, nullptr);
61  CFDictionaryAddValue(attrDict.get(), kSecClass, kSecClassKey);
62  CFDictionaryAddValue(attrDict.get(), kSecAttrLabel, keyLabel.get());
63  CFDictionaryAddValue(attrDict.get(), kSecAttrKeyClass, kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate);
64  CFDictionaryAddValue(attrDict.get(), kSecReturnRef, kCFBooleanTrue);
66  CFReleaser<SecKeychainItemRef> keyItem;
67  // C-style cast is used as per Apple convention
68  OSStatus res = SecItemCopyMatching((CFDictionaryRef)attrDict.get(), (CFTypeRef*)&keyItem.get());
69  keyItem.retain();
71  if (res != errSecSuccess) {
72  if (res == errSecAuthFailed) {
73  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to unlock the keychain"));
74  }
75  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::domain_error("Key does not exist"));
76  }
78  return keyItem;
79  }
81 public:
82  SecKeychainRef keyChainRef;
84 };
87 static CFTypeRef
89 {
90  switch (keyType) {
91  case KeyType::RSA:
92  return kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA;
93  case KeyType::EC:
94  return kSecAttrKeyTypeECDSA;
95  default:
96  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Tpm::Error("Unsupported key type"));
97  }
98 }
100 static CFTypeRef
102 {
103  switch (digestAlgo) {
108  return kSecDigestSHA2;
109  default:
110  return 0;
111  }
112 }
114 static long
116 {
117  switch (digestAlgo) {
119  return 224;
121  return 256;
123  return 384;
125  return 512;
126  default:
127  return -1;
128  }
129 }
131 BackEndOsx::BackEndOsx(const std::string&)
132  : m_impl(make_unique<Impl>())
133 {
134  SecKeychainSetUserInteractionAllowed(!m_impl->isTerminalMode);
136  OSStatus res = SecKeychainCopyDefault(&m_impl->keyChainRef);
138  if (res == errSecNoDefaultKeychain) { //If no default key chain, create one.
139  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("No default keychain, create one first"));
140  }
141 }
143 BackEndOsx::~BackEndOsx() = default;
145 const std::string&
147 {
148  static std::string scheme = "tpm-osxkeychain";
149  return scheme;
150 }
152 bool
154 {
155  return m_impl->isTerminalMode;
156 }
158 void
159 BackEndOsx::setTerminalMode(bool isTerminal) const
160 {
161  m_impl->isTerminalMode = isTerminal;
162  SecKeychainSetUserInteractionAllowed(!isTerminal);
163 }
165 bool
167 {
168  SecKeychainStatus keychainStatus;
170  OSStatus res = SecKeychainGetStatus(m_impl->keyChainRef, &keychainStatus);
171  if (res != errSecSuccess)
172  return true;
173  else
174  return ((kSecUnlockStateStatus & keychainStatus) == 0);
175 }
177 bool
178 BackEndOsx::unlockTpm(const char* pw, size_t pwLen) const
179 {
180  // If the default key chain is already unlocked, return immediately.
181  if (!isTpmLocked())
182  return true;
184  if (m_impl->isTerminalMode) {
185  // Use the supplied password.
186  SecKeychainUnlock(m_impl->keyChainRef, pwLen, pw, true);
187  }
188  else {
189  // If inTerminal is not set, get the password from GUI.
190  SecKeychainUnlock(m_impl->keyChainRef, 0, nullptr, false);
191  }
193  return !isTpmLocked();
194 }
197 BackEndOsx::sign(const KeyRefOsx& key, DigestAlgorithm digestAlgo, const uint8_t* buf, size_t size)
198 {
199  CFReleaser<CFErrorRef> error;
200  CFReleaser<SecTransformRef> signer = SecSignTransformCreate(key.get(), &error.get());
201  if (error != nullptr) {
202  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to create signer"));
203  }
205  // Set input
206  CFReleaser<CFDataRef> dataRef = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(nullptr, buf, size, kCFAllocatorNull);
207  SecTransformSetAttribute(signer.get(), kSecTransformInputAttributeName, dataRef.get(), &error.get());
208  if (error != nullptr) {
209  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to configure input of signer"));
210  }
212  // Enable use of padding
213  SecTransformSetAttribute(signer.get(), kSecPaddingKey, kSecPaddingPKCS1Key, &error.get());
214  if (error != nullptr) {
215  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to configure padding of signer"));
216  }
218  // Set digest type
219  SecTransformSetAttribute(signer.get(), kSecDigestTypeAttribute, getDigestAlgorithm(digestAlgo), &error.get());
220  if (error != nullptr) {
221  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to configure digest type of signer"));
222  }
224  // Set digest length
225  long digestSize = getDigestSize(digestAlgo);
226  CFReleaser<CFNumberRef> cfDigestSize = CFNumberCreate(nullptr, kCFNumberLongType, &digestSize);
227  SecTransformSetAttribute(signer.get(), kSecDigestLengthAttribute, cfDigestSize.get(), &error.get());
228  if (error != nullptr) {
229  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to configure digest length of signer"));
230  }
232  // Actually sign
233  // C-style cast is used as per Apple convention
234  CFReleaser<CFDataRef> signature = (CFDataRef)SecTransformExecute(signer.get(), &error.get());
235  if (error != nullptr) {
236  CFShow(error.get());
237  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to sign data"));
238  }
240  if (signature == nullptr) {
241  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Signature is null"));
242  }
244  return make_shared<Buffer>(CFDataGetBytePtr(signature.get()), CFDataGetLength(signature.get()));
245 }
248 BackEndOsx::decrypt(const KeyRefOsx& key, const uint8_t* cipherText, size_t cipherSize)
249 {
250  CFReleaser<CFErrorRef> error;
251  CFReleaser<SecTransformRef> decryptor = SecDecryptTransformCreate(key.get(), &error.get());
252  if (error != nullptr) {
253  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to create decryptor"));
254  }
256  CFReleaser<CFDataRef> dataRef = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(nullptr, cipherText, cipherSize, kCFAllocatorNull);
257  SecTransformSetAttribute(decryptor.get(), kSecTransformInputAttributeName, dataRef.get(), &error.get());
258  if (error != nullptr) {
259  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to configure decryptor input"));
260  }
262  SecTransformSetAttribute(decryptor.get(), kSecPaddingKey, kSecPaddingOAEPKey, &error.get());
263  if (error != nullptr) {
264  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to configure decryptor padding"));
265  }
267  CFReleaser<CFDataRef> output = (CFDataRef)SecTransformExecute(decryptor.get(), &error.get());
268  if (error != nullptr) {
269  // CFShow(error);
270  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to decrypt data"));
271  }
273  if (output == nullptr) {
274  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Output is null"));
275  }
277  return make_shared<Buffer>(CFDataGetBytePtr(output.get()), CFDataGetLength(output.get()));
278 }
282 {
283  CFReleaser<CFDataRef> exportedKey;
284  OSStatus res = SecItemExport(key.get(), // secItemOrArray
285  kSecFormatOpenSSL, // outputFormat
286  0, // flags
287  nullptr, // keyParams
288  &exportedKey.get()); // exportedData
290  if (res != errSecSuccess) {
291  if (res == errSecAuthFailed) {
292  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to unlock the keychain"));
293  }
294  else {
295  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to export private key"));
296  }
297  }
299  transform::PrivateKey privateKey;
300  privateKey.loadPkcs1(CFDataGetBytePtr(exportedKey.get()), CFDataGetLength(exportedKey.get()));
301  return privateKey.derivePublicKey();
302 }
304 bool
305 BackEndOsx::doHasKey(const Name& keyName) const
306 {
307  CFReleaser<CFStringRef> keyLabel = CFStringCreateWithCString(nullptr, keyName.toUri().c_str(),
308  kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
310  CFReleaser<CFMutableDictionaryRef> attrDict =
311  CFDictionaryCreateMutable(nullptr, 4, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, nullptr);
313  CFDictionaryAddValue(attrDict.get(), kSecClass, kSecClassKey);
314  CFDictionaryAddValue(attrDict.get(), kSecAttrLabel, keyLabel.get());
315  CFDictionaryAddValue(attrDict.get(), kSecReturnRef, kCFBooleanTrue);
317  CFReleaser<SecKeychainItemRef> itemRef;
318  // C-style cast is used as per Apple convention
319  OSStatus res = SecItemCopyMatching((CFDictionaryRef)attrDict.get(), (CFTypeRef*)&itemRef.get());
320  itemRef.retain();
322  return res == errSecSuccess;
323 }
325 unique_ptr<KeyHandle>
326 BackEndOsx::doGetKeyHandle(const Name& keyName) const
327 {
328  CFReleaser<SecKeychainItemRef> keyItem;
329  try {
330  keyItem = m_impl->getKey(keyName);
331  }
332  catch (const std::domain_error&) {
333  return nullptr;
334  }
336  return make_unique<KeyHandleOsx>((SecKeyRef)keyItem.get());
337 }
339 unique_ptr<KeyHandle>
340 BackEndOsx::doCreateKey(const Name& identityName, const KeyParams& params)
341 {
342  KeyType keyType = params.getKeyType();
343  uint32_t keySize;
344  switch (keyType) {
345  case KeyType::RSA: {
346  const RsaKeyParams& rsaParams = static_cast<const RsaKeyParams&>(params);
347  keySize = rsaParams.getKeySize();
348  break;
349  }
350  case KeyType::EC: {
351  const EcKeyParams& ecParams = static_cast<const EcKeyParams&>(params);
352  keySize = ecParams.getKeySize();
353  break;
354  }
355  default: {
356  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Tpm::Error("Fail to create a key pair: Unsupported key type"));
357  }
358  }
359  CFReleaser<CFNumberRef> cfKeySize = CFNumberCreate(nullptr, kCFNumberIntType, &keySize);
361  CFReleaser<CFMutableDictionaryRef> attrDict =
362  CFDictionaryCreateMutable(nullptr, 2, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, nullptr);
363  CFDictionaryAddValue(attrDict.get(), kSecAttrKeyType, getAsymKeyType(keyType));
364  CFDictionaryAddValue(attrDict.get(), kSecAttrKeySizeInBits, cfKeySize.get());
366  KeyRefOsx publicKey, privateKey;
367  // C-style cast is used as per Apple convention
368  OSStatus res = SecKeyGeneratePair((CFDictionaryRef)attrDict.get(), &publicKey.get(), &privateKey.get());
370  BOOST_ASSERT(privateKey != nullptr);
372  publicKey.retain();
373  privateKey.retain();
375  BOOST_ASSERT(privateKey != nullptr);
377  if (res != errSecSuccess) {
378  if (res == errSecAuthFailed) {
379  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to unlock the keychain"));
380  }
381  else {
382  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to create a key pair"));
383  }
384  }
386  unique_ptr<KeyHandle> keyHandle = make_unique<KeyHandleOsx>(privateKey.get());
387  setKeyName(*keyHandle, identityName, params);
389  SecKeychainAttribute attrs[1]; // maximum number of attributes
390  SecKeychainAttributeList attrList = { 0, attrs };
391  std::string keyUri = keyHandle->getKeyName().toUri();
392  {
393  attrs[attrList.count].tag = kSecKeyPrintName;
394  attrs[attrList.count].length = keyUri.size();
395  attrs[attrList.count].data = const_cast<char*>(keyUri.data());
396  attrList.count++;
397  }
399  SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData((SecKeychainItemRef)privateKey.get(), &attrList, 0, nullptr);
400  SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData((SecKeychainItemRef)publicKey.get(), &attrList, 0, nullptr);
402  return keyHandle;
403 }
405 void
406 BackEndOsx::doDeleteKey(const Name& keyName)
407 {
408  CFReleaser<CFStringRef> keyLabel = CFStringCreateWithCString(nullptr, keyName.toUri().c_str(),
409  kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
411  CFReleaser<CFMutableDictionaryRef> searchDict =
412  CFDictionaryCreateMutable(nullptr, 5, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
414  CFDictionaryAddValue(searchDict.get(), kSecClass, kSecClassKey);
415  CFDictionaryAddValue(searchDict.get(), kSecAttrLabel, keyLabel.get());
416  CFDictionaryAddValue(searchDict.get(), kSecMatchLimit, kSecMatchLimitAll);
417  OSStatus res = SecItemDelete(searchDict.get());
419  if (res != errSecSuccess) {
420  if (res == errSecAuthFailed) {
421  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to unlock the keychain"));
422  }
423  else if (res != errSecItemNotFound) {
424  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to delete a key pair"));
425  }
426  }
427 }
430 BackEndOsx::doExportKey(const Name& keyName, const char* pw, size_t pwLen)
431 {
432  CFReleaser<SecKeychainItemRef> privateKey;
434  try {
435  privateKey = m_impl->getKey(keyName);
436  }
437  catch (const std::domain_error&) {
438  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Tpm::Error("Private key does not exist in OSX Keychain"));
439  }
441  CFReleaser<CFDataRef> exportedKey;
442  SecItemImportExportKeyParameters keyParams;
443  memset(&keyParams, 0, sizeof(keyParams));
444  CFReleaser<CFStringRef> passphrase =
445  CFStringCreateWithBytes(0, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(pw), pwLen, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
446  keyParams.passphrase = passphrase.get();
447  OSStatus res = SecItemExport(privateKey.get(), // secItemOrArray
448  kSecFormatWrappedPKCS8, // outputFormat
449  0, // flags
450  &keyParams, // keyParams
451  &exportedKey.get()); // exportedData
453  if (res != errSecSuccess) {
454  if (res == errSecAuthFailed) {
455  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to unlock the keychain"));
456  }
457  else {
458  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to export private key"));
459  }
460  }
462  return make_shared<Buffer>(CFDataGetBytePtr(exportedKey.get()), CFDataGetLength(exportedKey.get()));
463 }
465 void
466 BackEndOsx::doImportKey(const Name& keyName, const uint8_t* buf, size_t size,
467  const char* pw, size_t pwLen)
468 {
469  CFReleaser<CFDataRef> importedKey = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(nullptr, buf, size, kCFAllocatorNull);
471  SecExternalFormat externalFormat = kSecFormatWrappedPKCS8;
472  SecExternalItemType externalType = kSecItemTypePrivateKey;
474  CFReleaser<CFStringRef> keyLabel = CFStringCreateWithCString(nullptr, keyName.toUri().c_str(),
475  kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
476  CFReleaser<CFStringRef> passphrase =
477  CFStringCreateWithBytes(nullptr, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(pw), pwLen, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
478  CFReleaser<SecAccessRef> access;
479  SecAccessCreate(keyLabel.get(), nullptr, &access.get());
481  CFArrayRef attributes = nullptr;
483  const SecItemImportExportKeyParameters keyParams{
485  0, // flags
486  passphrase.get(), // passphrase
487  nullptr, // alert title
488  nullptr, // alert prompt
489  access.get(), // access ref
490  nullptr, // key usage
491  attributes // key attributes
492  };
494  CFReleaser<CFArrayRef> outItems;
495  OSStatus res = SecItemImport(importedKey.get(), // importedData
496  nullptr, // fileNameOrExtension
497  &externalFormat, // inputFormat
498  &externalType, // itemType
499  0, // flags
500  &keyParams, // keyParams
501  m_impl->keyChainRef, // importKeychain
502  &outItems.get()); // outItems
504  if (res != errSecSuccess) {
505  if (res == errSecAuthFailed) {
506  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to unlock the keychain"));
507  }
508  else {
509  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Cannot import the private key"));
510  }
511  }
513  // C-style cast is used as per Apple convention
514  SecKeychainItemRef privateKey = (SecKeychainItemRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(outItems.get(), 0);
515  SecKeychainAttribute attrs[1]; // maximum number of attributes
516  SecKeychainAttributeList attrList = { 0, attrs };
517  std::string keyUri = keyName.toUri();
518  {
519  attrs[attrList.count].tag = kSecKeyPrintName;
520  attrs[attrList.count].length = keyUri.size();
521  attrs[attrList.count].data = const_cast<char*>(keyUri.data());
522  attrList.count++;
523  }
525  res = SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData(privateKey, &attrList, 0, nullptr);
526 }
528 } // namespace tpm
529 } // namespace security
530 } // namespace ndn
static ConstBufferPtr decrypt(const KeyRefOsx &key, const uint8_t *cipherText, size_t cipherSize)
bool isTpmLocked() const final
Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California.
const T & get() const
KeyType getKeyType() const
Definition: key-params.hpp:52
uint32_t getKeySize() const
Definition: key-params.hpp:180
void loadPkcs1(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size)
Load the private key in PKCS#1 format from a buffer buf.
RSA key, supports sign/verify and encrypt/decrypt operations.
unique_ptr< T > make_unique(Args &&...args)
Definition: backports.hpp:73
static CFTypeRef getDigestAlgorithm(DigestAlgorithm digestAlgo)
Catch-all error for security policy errors that don&#39;t fit in other categories.
Definition: base.hpp:79
The type of a cryptographic key.
static const std::string & getScheme()
std::string toUri() const
Get URI representation of the name.
Definition: name.cpp:122
bool isTerminalMode() const final
Check if TPM is in terminal mode.
void setTerminalMode(bool isTerminal) const final
Set the terminal mode of TPM.
static CFTypeRef getAsymKeyType(KeyType keyType)
static ConstBufferPtr derivePublicKey(const KeyRefOsx &key)
ConstBufferPtr derivePublicKey() const
BackEndOsx(const std::string &location="")
Create TPM backed based on macOS KeyChain service.
bool unlockTpm(const char *pw, size_t pwLen) const final
Unlock TPM.
static long getDigestSize(DigestAlgorithm digestAlgo)
Elliptic Curve key (e.g. for ECDSA), supports sign/verify operations.
Use the SHA256 hash of the public key as the key id.
Represents an absolute name.
Definition: name.hpp:42
static void setKeyName(KeyHandle &keyHandle, const Name &identity, const KeyParams &params)
Set the key name in keyHandle according to identity and params.
Definition: back-end.cpp:110
static ConstBufferPtr sign(const KeyRefOsx &key, DigestAlgorithm digestAlgorithm, const uint8_t *buf, size_t size)
Sign buf with key using digestAlgorithm.
Base class of key parameters.
Definition: key-params.hpp:35
SimplePublicKeyParams is a template for public keys with only one parameter: size.
Definition: key-params.hpp:153
CFReleaser< SecKeychainItemRef > getKey(const Name &keyName)
Get private key reference with name keyName.
shared_ptr< const Buffer > ConstBufferPtr
Definition: buffer.hpp:89