▼Nboost | Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Regents of the University of California |
►Nasio | |
Nip | |
Nlocal | |
Nchrono | |
▼Nface | |
NFace | |
▼Nndn | Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California |
Ncommand_interest | |
Ndetail | |
Ndns | |
►Nencoding | |
Ndetail | |
Nethernet | |
►Nio | |
Ndetail | |
Nip | |
►Nlp | |
Nfield_location_tags | Indicates where a field may occur |
Ntlv | |
Nmgmt | |
Nname | |
►Nnet | |
Ndetail | |
Nnfd | |
Nrandom | |
►Nsecurity | |
Ndetail | |
►Npib | |
Ndetail | |
Ntpm | |
Ntransform | |
►Nv2 | |
Nvalidator_config | |
Nsigned_interest | |
Ntime | |
►Ntlv | Namespace defining NDN-TLV related constants and procedures |
Ndetail | |
Nnfd | |
Nsecurity | |
►Nutil | |
Ndetail | |
Nscheduler | |
Nsignal | |
▼Nnfd | Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California |
►Ncs | |
Nlru | |
Npriority_fifo | |
Ndetail | |
Nethernet | |
Nface | |
Nfib | |
►Nfw | |
Nasf | |
Ngeneral | |
Nmeasurements | |
Nname_tree | |
Npit | |
Nrib | |
Nscheduler | |
Nscope_prefix | Contain name prefixes that affect namespace-based scope control |
Nstrategy_choice | |
Ntcp | |
Ntlv | |
Nudp | |
Nunix_stream | |
Nwebsocket | |
▼Nns3 | Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California |
►Nndn | |
►Ncs | Namespace for ContentStore operations |
NFreshness | |
NProbability | |
NProbabilityImpl | |
NStats | |
Nlp | |
Ntime | |
▼Ntransform | |
NPrivateKey | |
NPublicKey | |
▼Nwebsocketpp | Namespace for the WebSocket++ project |
►Nclose | A package of types and methods for manipulating WebSocket close codes |
Nstatus | A package of types and methods for manipulating WebSocket close status' |
►Nconcurrency | Concurrency handling support |
Nnone_impl | Implementation for no-op locking primitives |
Nconfig | |
Nerror | Library level error codes |
►Nextensions | Some generic information about extensions |
Nerror | |
►Npermessage_deflate | Implementation of the draft permessage-deflate WebSocket extension |
Nerror | Permessage deflate error values |
Nmode | |
►Nframe | Data structures and utility functions for manipulating WebSocket frames |
Nlimits | Constants related to frame and payload limits |
Nopcode | Constants and utility functions related to WebSocket opcodes |
►Nhttp | HTTP handling support |
►Nparser | |
Nbody_encoding | |
Nstate | |
Nstatus_code | HTTP Status codes |
►Nlib | |
Nasio | |
Nnet | |
Nplaceholders | |
Nlog | |
Nmd5 | Provides MD5 hashing functionality |
►Nmessage_buffer | |
Nalloc | |
Npool | |
►Nprocessor | Processors encapsulate the protocol rules specific to each WebSocket version |
Nconstants | Constants related to processing WebSocket connections |
Nerror | Error code category and codes used by all processor types |
Nerror_cat | Processor class related error codes |
►Nrandom | Random number generation policies |
Nnone | Stub RNG policy that always returns 0 |
Nrandom_device | RNG policy based on std::random_device or boost::random_device |
►Nsession | |
►Nfail | |
Nstatus | |
Nhttp_state | |
Ninternal_state | |
Nstate | |
Nsha1 | |
►Ntransport | Transport policies provide network connectivity and timers |
►Nasio | Transport policy that uses asio |
Nbasic_socket | A socket policy for the asio transport that implements a plain, unencrypted socket |
Nerror | Asio transport errors |
►Nsocket | |
Nerror | The transport::asio::socket::* classes are a set of security/socket related policies and support code for the ASIO transport types |
Ntls_socket | A socket policy for the asio transport that implements a TLS encrypted socket by wrapping with an asio::ssl::stream |
►Ndebug | Debug transport policy that is used for various mocking and stubbing duties in unit tests |
Nerror | Debug transport errors |
Nerror | Generic transport related errors |
►Niostream | Transport policy that uses STL iostream for I/O and does not support timers |
Nerror | Iostream transport errors |
►Nstub | Stub transport policy that has no input or output |
Nerror | Stub transport errors |
Nutf8_validator | |
Nutility | Generic non-websocket specific utility functions and data structures |