#include <introspected-doxygen.hpp>
Introspection did not find any typical Config paths.
TvType: The type of TV transmitter/modulation to be used.
Set with class: ns3::EnumValue
Underlying type:
Initial value: 8vsb
Flags: construct write read
StartFrequency: The lower end frequency (in Hz) of the TV transmitter's signal. Must be greater than or equal to 0.
Set with class: ns3::DoubleValue
Underlying type: double 0:1.79769e+308
Initial value: 5e+08
Flags: construct write read
ChannelBandwidth: The bandwidth (in Hz) of the TV transmitter's signal. Must be greater than or equal to 0.
Set with class: ns3::DoubleValue
Underlying type: double 0:1.79769e+308
Initial value: 6e+06
Flags: construct write read
BasePsd: The base power spectral density (in dBm/Hz) of the TV transmitter's transmitted spectrum. Base PSD is the maximum PSD of the spectrum excluding pilots. For analog and COFDM transmitters this is the maximum PSD, but for 8-VSB transmitters this is the maximum PSD of the main signal spectrum (flat-top segment) since the pilot actually has the maximum PSD overall.
Set with class: ns3::DoubleValue
Underlying type: double -1.79769e+308:1.79769e+308
Initial value: 20
Flags: construct write read
Antenna: The AntennaModel to be used. Allows classes inherited from ns3::AntennaModel. Defaults to ns3::IsotropicAntennaModel.
StartingTime: The time point after the simulation begins in which the TV transmitter will begin transmitting.
Set with class: ns3::TimeValue
Underlying type: Time -9.22337e+18ns:+9.22337e+18ns
Initial value: +0ns
Flags: construct write read
TransmitDuration: The duration of time that the TV transmitter will transmit for.
Set with class: ns3::TimeValue
Underlying type: Time -9.22337e+18ns:+9.22337e+18ns
Initial value: +2e+08ns
Flags: construct write read
No TraceSources are defined for this type.
Size of this type is 128 bytes (on a 64-bit architecture).
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: