#include <introspected-doxygen.hpp>
Config Paths
ns3::GaussMarkovMobilityModel is accessible through the following paths with Config::Set and Config::Connect:
Bounds: Bounds of the area to cruise.
Set with class: BoxValue
Underlying type: Box
Initial value: -100|100|-100|100|0|100
Flags: construct write read
TimeStep: Change current direction and speed after moving for this time.
Set with class: ns3::TimeValue
Underlying type: Time -9.22337e+18ns:+9.22337e+18ns
Initial value: +1e+09ns
Flags: construct write read
Alpha: A constant representing the tunable parameter in the Gauss-Markov model.
Set with class: ns3::DoubleValue
Underlying type: double -1.79769e+308:1.79769e+308
Initial value: 1
Flags: construct write read
MeanVelocity: A random variable used to assign the average velocity.
MeanDirection: A random variable used to assign the average direction.
MeanPitch: A random variable used to assign the average pitch.
NormalVelocity: A gaussian random variable used to calculate the next velocity value.
NormalDirection: A gaussian random variable used to calculate the next direction value.
NormalPitch: A gaussian random variable used to calculate the next pitch value.
Position: The current position of the mobility model.
Set with class: Vector3DValue
Underlying type: Vector3D
Flags: write read
Velocity: The current velocity of the mobility model.
Set with class: Vector3DValue
Underlying type: Vector3D
Flags: read
No TraceSources are defined for this type.
TraceSources defined in parent class ns3::MobilityModel
CourseChange: The value of the position and/or velocity vector changed
Callback signature: ns3::MobilityModel::TracedCallback
Size of this type is 304 bytes (on a 64-bit architecture).
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: