This is a list of all attribute by class. For more information see the attribute section of this API documentation and the Attributes sections in the Tutorial and Manual.
Batches: Batches to schedule. Should be vector, containing pairs of time and amount
StartSeq: Initial sequence number
Prefix: Name of the Interest
LifeTime: LifeTime for interest packet
RetxTimer: Timeout defining how frequent retransmission timeouts should be checked
Frequency: Frequency of interest packets
Randomize: Type of send time randomization: none (default), uniform, exponential
MaxSeq: Maximum sequence number to request
CcAlgorithm: Specify which window adaptation algorithm to use (AIMD, BIC, or CUBIC)
Beta: TCP Multiplicative Decrease factor
CubicBeta: TCP CUBIC Multiplicative Decrease factor
AddRttSuppress: Minimum number of RTTs (1 + this factor) between window decreases
ReactToCongestionMarks: If true, process received congestion marks
UseCwa: If true, use Conservative Window Adaptation
UseCubicFastConvergence: If true, use TCP CUBIC Fast Convergence
Window: Initial size of the window
PayloadSize: Average size of content object size (to calculate interest generation rate)
Size: Amount of data in megabytes to request, relying on PayloadSize parameter (alternative to MaxSeq attribute)
MaxSeq: Maximum sequence number to request (alternative to Size attribute, would activate only if Size is -1). The parameter is activated only if Size negative (not set)
InitialWindowOnTimeout: Set window to initial value when timeout occurs
NumberOfContents: Number of the Contents in total
q: parameter of improve rank
s: parameter of power
Prefix: Prefix, for which producer has the data
Postfix: Postfix that is added to the output data (e.g., for adding producer-uniqueness)
PayloadSize: Virtual payload size for Content packets
Freshness: Freshness of data packets, if 0, then unlimited freshness
Signature: Fake signature, 0 valid signature (default), other values application-specific
KeyLocator: Name to be used for key locator. If root, then key locator is not used
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
CacheProbability: Set probability of caching in ContentStore. If 1, every content is cached. If 0, no content is cached.
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
CacheProbability: Set probability of caching in ContentStore. If 1, every content is cached. If 0, no content is cached.
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
CacheProbability: Set probability of caching in ContentStore. If 1, every content is cached. If 0, no content is cached.
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
CacheProbability: Set probability of caching in ContentStore. If 1, every content is cached. If 0, no content is cached.
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced
MaxSize: Set maximum number of entries in ContentStore. If 0, limit is not enforced