NS-3 based Named Data Networking (NDN) simulator
ndnSIM 2.0: NDN, CCN, CCNx, content centric networks
API Documentation
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NndnCopyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California
 NnfdCopyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California
 CByteCounterCounter of number of bytes
 CCsContent Store
 CDeadNonceListDead Nonce list
 CFaceCountersCounters on face
 CFaceTableContainer of all Faces
 CForwarderMain class of NFD
 CForwarderCountersCounters on forwarder
 CLinkLayerCountersLink layer byte counters
 CMeasurementsAccessorAllows Strategy to access portion of Measurements table under its namespace
 CNameTreeClass Name Tree
 CNetworkLayerCountersNetwork layer packet counters
 CNotificationStreamPublisher of Notification Stream
 CNullFaceFace that has no underlying transport and drops every packet
 CPacketCounterCounter of number of packets
 CPitInterest Table
 CRttEstimatorImplements the Mean-Deviation RTT estimator
 CSegmentPublisherPublisher of Status Dataset or other segmented octet stream
 CStrategyChoiceStrategy Choice table
 CStrategyInfoHostBase class for an entity onto which StrategyInfo objects may be placed
 Nns3Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California
 CAnnotatedTopologyReaderThis class reads annotated topology and apply settings to the corresponding nodes and links
 CBatchesClass representing sets of (time, number) tuples with support of reading writing to streams
 CL2RateTracerTracer to collect link-layer rate information about links
 CL2TracerLink-layer tracer
 CRocketfuelMapReaderTopology file reader and topology estimator (extension of Rocketfuel-format type)
 CRocketfuelWeightsReaderTopology file reader (extension of Rocketfuel-format type)
 CDataMatchResultUnordered iterable of all PIT entries matching Data
 CEventIdOpaque type (shared_ptr) representing ID of a scheduled event
 CFaceIdIdentifies a face
 CMeasurementMeasurements table
 CMemUsageCopyright (c) 2011-2015 Regents of the University of California
 CNextHopListCollection of nexthops